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Journal, magazine, bulletinFarming the black earth: the history and politics of Ukraine’s agricultural land markets before, during and after the war
Land Tenure Journal No. 1-24
2024Also available in:
No results found.Ukraine is a leading global producer of food commodities and agriculture is a central pillar of the country’s economy and future development. Rich and abundant farmland is one of Ukraine's most valuable resources. Until recently, the transfer of land titles was restricted by a long-standing moratorium on land sales. Although a market for land leases had developed, land tenure was marked by a significant degree of informality and legal uncertainty. In 2020, new amendments to the Ukrainian Land Code laid the legal and institutional foundation for the gradual liberalization of the land market starting in 2021. -
ArticleDeterminants of local people’s attitudes towards protected areas: A case study from Kateri Wildlife Sanctuary, Indonesia
XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
2022Also available in:
No results found.Conflicts over resource use in protected areas (PAs) are widespread and effective strategies are needed to sustain conservation aims of PAs. Attitudinal studies are commonly used to gain insights into effective interventions by investigating key determinants of people’s attitudes to PAs. Demographic factors such as education, wealth, gender, and livelihood strategy often serve as predictors of conservation attitudes. This study aimed to investigate socio-demographic factors associated with the attitudes of local people towards a PA in Indonesia. We conducted 395 household surveys in six villages adjacent to Kateri Wildlife Sanctuary (KWS). To quantify local people’s attitudes towards KWS, the survey questionnaire consisted of 15 attitudes statements, related to: 1) the PA’s relevance and cultural value; 2) the importance of environmental and provisioning services from the PA; 3) use of resources within the PA and restrictions of their use; and 4) change in the PA over time. Each response was scored on a five-point Likert scale. We generated a composite attitude score by summing the scores of the 15 questions to gain a measure of strength of positive attitude towards PAs, then employed a general linear model analysis to estimate the effect of demographic factors to this composite score. The findings indicated that in general, residents have positive attitudes towards the PA. Key predictors of the attitudes were education level, residency duration, and landholdings. Residents who had lived in the area longer, who held land outside the reserve, and did not hold land inside the reserve, had more positive attitudes towards the protected areas than those who did not share those attributes. Our results suggest that providing more opportunities for education and for building cultural affinity or a sense of place that includes the PA and addressing the lack of access to cropland outside the reserve could improve local people’s attitudes towards the PA. Keywords: conservation conflicts; protected areas; determinants conservation attitudes; Kateri Wildlife Sanctuary; protected areas governance. ID: 3484348 -
No Thumbnail AvailableBook (stand-alone)Dairy marketing in Ethiopia: Markets of first sale and producers’ marketing patterns 1991
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