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Données statistiques des produits forestiers non-ligneux du Burundi.

EC/FAO ACP collecte et analyse de données rapport technique- AFDCA/TN/09

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    Les Données Statistiques sur les Produits Forestiers Non-Ligneux en Haïti
    EC/FAO ACP collecte et analyse de données rapport technique- CADCA/TN/03
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    A report based on a study provided by the information gathered amongst local people in Haiti. This study describes the main NWFP (mushrooms, wild fruits as well and products of animal origin) and their means of exploitation. Forest activities and services are also described followed by a discussion of the main constraints related to NWFP. This report also attempts to formulate a vision of how to increase the well being of the forests in Haiti.
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    Données statistiques des produits forestiers non-ligneux du Cameroun
    EC/FAO ACP collecte et analyse de données rapport technique- AFDCA/TN/10
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    An overview of available data for NWFPs in Cameroon. Trends in consumption, sale and export of the most important products are analysed and problems with existing methods of data collection are discussed.
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    Les Données Statistiques Sur Les Produits Forestiers Non-Ligneux En Republique De Guinée.
    EC/FAO ACP collecte et analyse de données - rapport technique : AFDCA/TN/17
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    Based on the information collected during a survey in the Republic of Guinea, this study concentrates on the country's main NWFPs. Among these are medical plants, tooth picks, cola nuts, shea tree nuts, honey, food plants, palm wine, bushmeat, rattan, bamboo, and wild fruits. Also, past, present and future tendencies are investigated in relation to consumption, commercialisation and export of these products. Furthermore, national legislation surrounding NWFP is analysed as are the potentials and weaknesses of the information gathering process.

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