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Nutrition country profile: Kingdom of Bahrain 2007

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    Nutrition country profile: Kingdom of Lesotho 2010 2010
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    The Kingdom of Lesotho is a small, landlocked and mountainous country, entirely surrounded by the Republic of South Africa. The population is young and predominantly rural. Despite a low contribution to GDP, agriculture remains an important source of livelihood for a significant part of the population. The agricultural population is engaged in rain-fed subsistence farming, largely based on a single crop, maize. The agricultural sector suffers major constraints which have entailed a preoccupying decline in cereal production. Lesotho’s economy has registered mixed growth over the last decade but recent economic performance is promising. Although declining, the incidence of poverty is still very high.
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    Nutrition country profile: Lebanese Republic 2007 2006
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    Lebanon is a small middle-income country of the Middle-East. With high literacy rates and a traditional mercantile culture, Lebanon is an important commercial hub in the region, although economic and social development was hampered by a long civil conflict from the mid-seventies until beginning of the nineties. The Lebanese population is young, with a relatively high life expectancy at birth (72 years), reflecting a good access to health care and a full access to safe water and sanitation. Most of the health indicators have improved in the past decade.
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    Food and nutrition profile: The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan 2011 2002
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    In Jordan, the staple foods are wheat and rice. Khobez, a leavened flat bread (pita bread) is consumed daily with most meals and often used to scoop other foods. Vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, bell peppers, green beans, okra, cauliflower, eggplants, spinach and summer squash occupy an important place in the diet; they are cooked with rice or as stew or are consumed raw as a salad. Yogurt is used in some dishes. Consumption of fruit (apples, oranges, bananas, grapes, figs, water melons, apricots and peaches) varies according to season.

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