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Decentralization and rural property taxation

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    Book (series)
    Rural property tax systems in Central and Eastern Europe 2002
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    This guide on Rural property tax systems in Central and Eastern Europe has been prepared to support governments in the design and implementation of systems to raise revenues at local levels. An increasing number of countries are introducing policies to decentralize the provision of rural services but very often local levels of government have insufficient funds to carry out these newly decentralized responsibilities. Raising revenues through property taxes on rural land represents one way to i mprove the capacity of local levels to deliver services. Rural livelihoods are inhibited without sound rural infrastructure and property tax has an important role in helping to provide it. The guide identifies issues that should be considered by those who are responsible for the technical design and implementation of rural property tax systems. It identifies the benefits and problems associated with the introduction of rural property taxes, the relationship to other taxes and organizational constraints, and provides a chronological checklist for introducing reforms. The guide demonstrates that introducing property tax in rural areas is technically feasible and will benefit the rural economy.
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    Decentralization and devolution in forestry 1999
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    Attempts to shift management functions and powers can take any number of forms on a sliding scale from complete central control of forest resources to complete decentralization and devolution of both authority and power - although solutions at either extreme of the continuum are generally inappropriate. This issue of Unasylva examines a number of topics related to the redistribution of authority and power for forests and forestry. For the most part, the issue springs from the debate advanced at the International Seminar on Decentralization and Devolution of Forest Management in Asia and the Pacific, held in Davao, the Philippines, from 30 November to 4 December 1998. A number of articles in this issue were originally presented at the seminar, the organizers of which have been instrumental in the shaping of this Unasylva issue - their assistance is appreciated.
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    Book (series)
    Legislating for property rights in fisheries 2004
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    In recent years, the traditional public right to fish in dital waters has been supplanted by limitations on access to the stocks, particularly for commercial fishers. This is achieved by statutory schemes establishing rights of varying natures. Where these rights are fully established, they highlight the legal characteristics of property. This study is a contribution by the FAO Development Law Service to teh discussion on rights-based systems in fisheries management from a legal perspective. It outlines the development history of rights-based fisheries and the terms used in property rights regimes, the governing legislation in jurisdictions that have introduced property rights in fisheries and the interpretation placed by the courts of the jurisdiction on that legislation. It also presents possible options for implementing property-based fisheries rights systems in national legislation.

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