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Record reporting as 34 African countries track resilience to food insecurity shocks

FAO. 2024. Record reporting as 34 African countries track resilience to food insecurity shocks. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 71. Rome.

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    Emergency assistance for protecting agriculture-livelihoods and rebuilding near-term resilience of vulnerable and food insecure farming households to shocks including COVID-19
    Project fact sheet – OSRO/AFG/104/JPN
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    This project fact sheet summarizes the key aspects of this project (Emergency assistance for protecting agriculture-livelihoods and rebuilding near-term resilience of vulnerable and food insecure farming households to shocks including COVID-19), objective, budget, geographical scope, people assisted, assistance modalities, crosscutting issues and SDGs contribution.The overall objective is to provide time-critical assistance to vulnerable smallholder farming and herding households. These families will be provided with agricultural inputs to safeguard their livelihoods. Marginal landless and women-headed households will receive cash-based assistance in various forms, as well as nutrition-sentitive farming support.
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    Food and nutrition security resilience programme in South Sudan
    Endline survey report
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    This report provides an overview of the impact evaluation findings of the FNS-REPRO project in South Sudan. The report draws on data collected from a panel and two rounds of surveys (baseline in 2020 and endline in 2023), collected from both intervention and non-intervention areas in the programme's target areas. This method of panel data collection provides the strongest evidence for attribution of a causal relationship between the implemented interventions and the effect on beneficiaries. Estimation of the household resilience capacity is done using the FAO RIMA-II tool.Among others, the analysis found that rescaled Resilience Capacity Index among the beneficiary households increased from 50 in baseline to 55 in endline. The overall RCI reported a significant positive impact, with a change of 3.95 points. The adaptive capacity and social safety net pillars reported the highest significant and positive impact, with a change of 4.7 and 4.9 points respectively. In addition, the project had a significant positive impact (11 percent) on the percentage of households reported to have used quality seeds and planting materials during the cropping season preceding the survey. Lastly, the project had a positive impact on overall income, income from crop production and income from livestock production. There was an increase of SSP (South Sudanese pound) 7 898 and SSP 3 030 in overall income and income from crop production respectively.
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    East Africa Resilience Strategy 2018-2022. Programme of work 2018-2019 2018
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    This Strategy informs on FAO's efforts to increase the resilience of agricultural livelihoods to contribute to enhanced food security and nutrition in East Africa through multisectoral, multi-hazard and multistakeholder consultations and joint interventions. An inclusive consultative process with vulnerable communities and key stakeholders on resilience policies and approaches will be the foundation of local ownership and will ensure the success of resilience interventions in the region.

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