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ProjectKuttanad Below Sea Level Farming System (The only system in India that has been practicing rice cultivation below sea level since the past 2 centuries). A Candidate System for Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) Programme, FAO, Rome
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)
2016Also available in:
No results found.Kuanad Below Sea-level Farming System (KBSFS) is unique, as it is the only system in India that pracces rice culvaon below sea level. The major land use structure of KBSFS is flat stretches of rice fields in about 50,000 ha, of mostly reclaimed delta swamps. They exist in three landscape elements: Karapadam (upland rice fields), Kayal (wetland rice fields) and Kari (land buried with black coal like materials). The rice fields are popularly known as “Puncha Vayals”. Tradionally KBSFS favour ed only one crop of paddy followed with inland and es-tuarine fish wealth, notably the endemic prawn species, pearl spot and clams. The Puncha Vayals with coconut gardens on the bunds and crisscrossed water canals offer an amazing sight. Farmers of Kuanad developed and mastered the spectacular technique of below sea level culvaon, which has several similaries with the Dutch polder system, over 150 year ago. They made this system unique as it contributes remarkably well to the conservaon of biodiversity and ecosystem services including several livelihood services. The recognion of KBSFS as a Globally Important Agriculture Heritage System will insll pride in the farm families of this area and will lead to the conservaon of this unique below sea level rice-fish farming system. The conservaon and refinement of KBSFS is parcularly important in this era of global warming, leading to a rise in sea level. Island States like Maldives as well as countries like Bangladesh are deep ly interested in replicang the Kuanad system. -
ProjectThe GIAHS – Hani Rice Terraces System Yuanyang County, Honghe County, Lvchun County and Jinping County in Yunnan Province, P. R. China. Format for Proposal of Candidate Systems for the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) Programme
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)
2016Also available in:
No results found.Hani Rice Terraces are located in the Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture, which is in the southeast part of Yunnan Province. People of various races, with Hani being the main minority group, has built this spectacular agriculture and nature wonders. The magnificent Hani Terrace System is a masterpiece of the brilliant Hani minorities, who has lived in this remarkable landscape for over 1300 years. The terraces are mainly distributed along the south part of the Honghe Ailao Mountain and spr ead in four counties: Honghe, Yuanyang, Lvchun, and Jinping, covering an area of about 70,000 ha. Hani Rice Terraces are one of best examples to show farmers’ wisdom in China. The Hani villages are built on the mountainsides, above the village are the flourishing forests and the terraces are just below the villages. It is amazing that in the Hani Rice Terraces there are no reservoirs but water supply is abundant. The forest, village, terrace and river compose the typical ecological landscape of the Hani Rice Terraces. The Hani People, their indigenous agricultural technologies, their selection of the settlement site and their traditional customs for environment protection and conservation all show a harmonious relationship between human and nature, and their relationship in the human society as well. -
Document#5I - ‘Global applications of fast-growing trees in agroforestry systems’ - Stabilizing Root Systems of Poplar Trees in Agroforestry Systems 2023
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