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A Regional Survey of the Aquaculture Sector in the Mediterranean

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    A Regional Survey of the Aquaculture Sector in the Pacific 1989
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    The nations and island territories which make up the region of the Pacific have neither individually nor collectively much importance as far as global aquaculture production is concerned. For the most part aquaculture production data, like that of other commodities, are included and lost in the regional association 'Asia and the Pacific'. In spite of its anonymity, compared with that of its important status in neighbouring Asia, aquaculture in the Pacific region is not without some tradition. The ancient Polynesians had considerable understanding of the natural history of useful marine food fishes which enabled them to practise a simple form of husbandry and management in coastal ponds they constructed within the coral reefs. Furthermore, the ownership of fish ponds and fish was an important symbol of chieftainship. Few of these ancient fish ponds remain in production, and in recent years the islanders have applied modern practices onshore. The Pacific Region which forms this sur vey is 'made up of the Pacific Islands and the countries of Australasia.
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    A Regional Survey of the Aquaculture Sector in West Asia 1989
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    Aquaculture continues to grow in economic importance. The main reason for this is the quantifiable contribution aquaculture is making in many countries to fill the growing gap between supply and demand for fisheries products. This gap continues to widen because of increasing human populations and the static growth rates of capture fisheries brought about by declines in stocks and the increasing cost of obtaining fish through conventional methods. Although this gap can (and in some cases is alrea dy) being met by alternatives, such as inexpensive poultry and white meats, aquaculture particularly provides consumers with a choice of fresh products. Aquaculture is also evident in earning foreign exchange for many countries through the export of high-value products. It also creates employment, particularly in economically depressed coastal and remote regions, and contributes to the household economy of rural farmers. This fifth regional survey prepared by the Aquaculture Development an d Coordination Programme (ADCP) covers the existing aquaculture sector in the countries of West Asia, namely Bangladesh, Burma, India, Indonesia, Kampuchea, Malaysia, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. A regional survey of the countries of East Asia is the subject of another ADCP document. The division of the countries in East and West Asia is based on the division established by the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
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    A Regional Survey of the Aquaculture Sector in Latin America 1989
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    Aquaculture continues to grow in economic importance. The main reason for this is the quantifiable contribution aquaculture is making in many countries to fill the growing gap between supply and demand for fisheries products. This gap continues to widen because of increasing human populations and the static growth rates of capture fisheries brought about by declines in stocks and the increasing cost of obtaining fish through conventional methods. Although this gap can (and in some cases is alrea dy) being met by alternatives, such as inexpensive poultry and white meats, aquaculture particularly provides consumers with a choice of fresh products. Aquaculture is also evident in earning foreign exchange for many countries through the export of high-value products. It also creates employment, particularly in economically depressed coastal and remote regions, and contributes to the household economy of rural farmers. This ninth regional survey prepared by the Aquaculture Development an d Coordination Programme (ADCP) covers the existing aquaculture sector in the countries of the Latin America region, namely Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

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