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Book (stand-alone)Seed Security Assessment 2016The Practitioner’s Guide has been produced to provide practical guidance on the theory, technical knowledge, procedures and good practices necessary to implement a Seed Security Assessment (SSA). It contains the following sections: background information about what a seed system is, and how seed security is defined; how to practically conduct a SSA; how to interpret SSA results and make recommendations. This publication represents an important reference and refresher for SSA practitioners and th ose seeking practical information on SSA. A Seed Security Assessment Toolbox with relevant material designed to support SSA field work is available here.
DocumentSeed system security assessment report for Darfur region
Sudan, June 2011
2012Also available in:
No results found.Seed security interventions in Sudan have focused on improving availability and access through seed aid and seed multiplication. Over the years, determination of the need for seed aid and rehabilitation has largely been based, implicitly or explicitly, on the following studies: post-harvest assessments conducted by the State Ministries of Agriculture in close collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO); the Crop and Food Supply Assessment Missions; and ot her needs assessments, which have limited scope in examining seed security or the dynamics of the seed system. The comprehensive Seed System Security Assessment (SSSA) was undertaken to review the functioning of the existing seed systems (both formal and informal) in the country, with particular focus on the Darfur region. The assessment looked at whether seeds of adequate and preferred quality are available and whether farmers are able to access them. The approach is also expected to promote st rategic thinking about the relief, rehabilitation and development vision needed for future interventions. The comprehensive SSSA adopted a two-way approach: a commissioning of background synthesis, and primary data collection from the various stakeholders at field level. Background synthesis included: a) the formal plant breeding structures and processes; b) the formal seed production structures and processes; and c) current decentralized seed multiplication and distribution initiatives in Darf ur. The fieldwork covered 12 localities and 19 administrative units within Darfur. The method encompassed individual interviews with 725 farming households and 99 grain/seed traders; 12 community interviews and focus group discussions with women’s groups; key informant interviews with nine agro-input dealers and two agroprocessors. This is one of the most, if not the only, comprehensive agricultural and seed security assessments carried out in Sudan, with focus on Darfur region. -
DocumentSeed Security Assessment: A Practitioner’s Toolbox. Annex 2016This document complements the publication "Seed Security Assessment" available at the link
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