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    粮食作物与短缺--2004年3月第1期 2004
    AFRICA: In eastern Africa, the overall food situation improved considerably compared to last year. However, a large number of people affected by conflict and/or drought in the sub-region still depend on food assistance. The food situation in Eritrea, Somalia and pastoral areas of Ethiopia and Kenya is of particular concern. In southern Africa,prospects for the 2004 cereal crops are generally unfavourable due to prevailing drought conditions. In western Africa, the food outlook is generally satis factory except in Côte d fIvoire, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone where internally displaced people and refugees continue to need food assistance. ASIA: A food crisis persists in DPR Korea due to chronic food shortages, and food assistance is urgently required. Emergency relief, including food, is being provided to some 100 000 most vulnerable people of earthquake victims in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Emergency assistance is also being provided to the farmers affected by avian influenza virus in several countries. The rice crop has been severely affected by drought in several districts in Sri Lanka. In the Asian CIS, improved precipitation and snow cover have provided favourable conditions for winter crops. In Afghanistan, above-average precipitation and snow cover have improved prospects for the winter cereal crops.
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    粮食作物与短缺--2005年2月第1期 2005
    非洲: 在东部非洲,厄立特里亚的粮食形势令人严重关注。连年降雨不足已严重地影响了作物和家畜生产。由于冲突和干旱,预计苏丹的收成低于平年水平。与之相反,由于取得丰收,埃塞俄比亚的粮食形势有所改善。尽管索马里第二季乬deyr乭作物获得丰收,将改善其主要农业区的粮食供应,但肯尼亚的第二季玉米作物歉收,这将在一定程度上加剧其食品短缺。在南部非洲,因首季前半期的降雨延迟、分布不均且低于常年水平,2005年主季作物的收成前景喜忧参半。在当前青黄不接的几个月里,特别是在津巴布韦、莱索托和斯威士兰,弱势人口的粮食安全形势不佳。在西部非洲,毛里塔尼亚的粮食形势依然严峻,而科特迪瓦的不安全局势将继续干扰农业和商业活动。 ...

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