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Book (series)WECAFC - Report of the first session of the Scientific Advisory Group. Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 2-5 April 2001. / COPACO - Rapport de la première session du Groupe scientifique consultatif. Port of Spain, Trinité-et-Tobago, 2-5 avril 2001. / COPACO - Informe de la primera sesión del Grupo Asesor Científico. Puerto España, Trinidad y Tabago, 2-5 de abril de 2001. 2001
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No results found.This document is the final version of the report of the first session of the Scientific Advisory Group (SAG) of the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission, held in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, from 2 to 5 April 2001. Major topics discussed during the session were: a review of the terms of reference of SAG; the state of fisheries in the WECAFC region; the appraisal of WECAFC ad hoc working groups’ activities; the research agenda of WECAFC; and the costs and benefits of co-operation. The meeting identified a number of matters that requires the attention of the Commission. These included changes in the terms of reference of SAG, the appointment of a local co-ordinator for each WECAFC ad hoc working group, a preliminary list of research areas and a request to FAO for assistance in seeking financial support for the ad hoc working groups. A list of matters for the attention of the Commission is included in Appendix G. -
Book (series)WECAFC - Report of the Second Session of the Scientific Advisory Group. Le Robert, Martinique, 28-30 April 2003. / COPACO - Rapport de la deuxième session du Groupe scientifique consultatif. Le Robert, Martinique, 28-30 avril 2003. / COPACO - Informe de la segunda sesión del Grupo Asesor Científico. Le Robert, Martinica, 28-30 de abril de 2003. 2003
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No results found.This document is the final version of the report of the second session of the Scientific Advisory Group of the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC), held in Le Robert, Martinique, from 28 to 30 April 2003. Major topics discussed during the session were: the state of fisheries in the WECAFC region; the review of the activities of the WECAFC ad hoc working groups; fisheries research in the WECAFC region; the current strategy of WECAFC; and a proposal for voluntary contrib utions to support the WECAFC Ad Hoc Working Group on Caribbean spiny lobster. Among the matters highlighted for consideration by the Commission were: the need to strengthen the linkages between the activities of the various projects in the region and the activities of the ad hoc working groups; promotion of interaction among scientists, managers and decision-makers by all the working groups; the need for adequate commitment and support for the working groups to maintain their momentum and effectiveness; more financial support to facilitate the activities of the working groups, which was a serious limiting factor; and the need for a benefit/cost analysis of the working group strategy adopted by WECAFC for the delivery of technical assistance. The research priorities identified by the first meeting maintained their importance as limited progress has been made. The growing emphasis on ecosystem approaches has resulted in the need to place more emphasis on the medium pr iority list. The list of matters for the attention of the Commission is included in Appendix D.
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