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Strengthening Irrigation and Use of Water Resources on Farms in Egypt - UTF/EGY/025/EGY

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    On-farm Irrigation Development Project in the Old Lands (OFIDO)
    Technical assessment – Final report
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    The Government of Egypt is committed to enhancing food security and developing the country’s agricultural sector through the sustainable management of its natural resources and the active improvement of its institutional capacities. The national “Poverty Reduction and Agriculture and Rural Development Strategy” well align with this objective by calling for the promotion of a more efficient and market-oriented agriculture and optimal use of land and water resources. The Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation (MALR), in line with the national Strategy, implemented the On-Farm Irrigation Development in the Old-Lands project (OFIDO), an agribusiness development programme funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Fund (IFAD), with the aim to improve the livelihoods of the rural poor living in selected command areas in Lower, Middle and Upper Egypt. In order to evaluate and define future investment strategies and policies for the implementation of successful interventions in Agricultural Water Management, the Government of Egypt entrusted the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to conduct an independent Technical Assessment and provide a comprehensive overview of the performance of improved irrigation systems in three Governorates in the project area of intervention. The Technical Assessment was carried out in two main complementary phases which allowed a thorough evaluation of both the technical and the economic components of the project.
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    Raised beds for improving crop water productivity and water efficiency in irrigated dryland agriculture, Egypt 2016
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    Irrigation is crucial for agricultural activities, however if not managed well, it entails high water losses and can be inefficient in its application. The raised bed system is an improved surface irrigation strategy, which enhances water productivity and makes the application of water in irrigated systems more efficient. It can be easily implemented by the farmers themselves. This practice describes how raised bed systems can be used to improve crop water productivity in summer and winter crops.
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    Improving Access to Irrigation and Strengthening Water Resources Management in Afghanistan - UTF/AFG/070/AFG 2021
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    The project contributed to an inclusive process in which the voices of relevant stakeholders were heard and considered during the policy discussions that led to the preparation of the VGFSyN. Support was provided for the organization of five regional consultations aimed at obtaining inputs, comments and suggestions on how best to align the VGFSyN with regional and national priorities and needs. The project also contributed to the translation of different versions of the VGFSyN in order to enable the active participation and involvement of sufficient numbers of relevant stakeholders and to ensure that the various iterative versions of the core negotiation document accurately reflected the positions of a wide range of stakeholders.

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