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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetYouth and United Nations Global Alliance (YUNGA) 2015The Youth and United Nations Global Alliance (YUNGA) is a partnership between United Nations agencies, civil society organizations and other entities which develops initiatives, resources and opportunities for children and young people to learn, get involved and make a difference.
Book (stand-alone)Youth in motion for climate action!
A compilation of youth initiatives in agriculture to address the impacts of climate change
2019This publication highlights various access points for projects and initiatives that engage and mobilize young people. It focuses on climate-resilient capacity development, agricultural education, and entrepreneurial guidance to promote decent rural employment in agriculture, and platforms that create alliances and networks for stimulating climate action and exchanging information. It presents activities that have successfully reached youth. These activities include competitions, such as 'hackathons' and flagship educational products that support everyday climate action. The projects and initiatives presented here also emphasize the key role partnerships among governments, the private sector, other international organizations and local cooperatives play in achieving successful outcomes. This publication is a compilation of ten successful youth-focused or youth-led initiatives in agriculture that address the impacts of climate change. The highlighted initiatives can serve as a promotional tool for youth networks, practitioners and programme managers who are interested in supporting youth in the agriculture sectors under a changing climate. The case studies are organized under five themes: E-agriculture, innovation and technology; youth employment; capacity development; entrepreneurship; and Alliances and Networks. For each theme one FAOled initiative and one non-FAO initiative is showcased to provide a broad picture of the activities being implemented around the world at various levels. FAO and other institutions believe that partnerships and collaboration on youth-focused projects, programmes and initiatives produce stronger results on the ground. This publication highlights these multi-organizational, collaborative efforts. -
ProjectMulti-Country Support to Promote Employment Opportunities for Youth in Agribusiness in Africa - TCP/RAF/3802 2023
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With over 750 million people under the age of 35, Africa has the youngest population in the world. Many of these youth lack stable economic situations and are mainly employed in the informal economy, such as contributing family workers, subsistence farmers, home-based micro-entrepreneurs or unskilled workers. However, job opportunities for youth are in agricultural value chains, including through agro-processing and innovative marketing models. Creating jobs for African youth through the development of agribusiness and entrepreneurship is fundamental in driving Africa’s inclusive economic transformation and development. This project aimed to contribute to accelerating the efforts in job creation and employment of African youth by undertaking key assessments in the target countries’ enabling environment and supporting existing programmes related to youth employment in agribusiness. These will assist in the identification of concrete actions for closing the gaps, building on existing target country priorities and specifically considering the crisis caused by COVID-19. The encouragement of major investment in youth in agriculture was the main goal of this project, which also aimed at supporting the implementation of youth employment initiatives. It served as a resource-matching tool that contributed directly to countries’ youth programmes, helping to reach potential investment partners, financial institutions, private sector and civil society.
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