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PresentationSierra Leone GLOBEFISH Market Profile - 2018 2021
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No results found.As the fisheries sector increasingly relies on regional and international trade for its sales, it has become crucial for those involved to have consistent, independent and trustworthy market information. The GLOBEFISH country profile provides a simple and clear overview of trade in fisheries and aquaculture for participants in today’s global fish trade. Each GLOBEFISH country profile will share valuable information such as: GDP from fisheries, Imports and Exports of fish and fishery profiles, production and trade breakdown, top species by value for exports/imports, HS codes, and more. -
DocumentStatistical Capacity Country Profile for SDG Indicators (Sierra Leone)
Statistical Capacity Assessment for the FAO-relevant SDG Indicators 2018/19
2019The Office of the Chief Statistician (OCS) conducted the Statistical Capacity Assessment for the FAO-relevant SDG indicators in early 2019 to provide insights about member countries' national statistical systems in regard to their capacity to monitor and report the 21 SDG indicators under FAO custodianship. The survey collected information on the national coordination mechanisms for the SDG reporting, current data availability and plans for filling data gaps, and needs for technical assistance. The respondents were mainly the National Coordinators for SDG Monitoring or the SDG focal points nominated by the Directors General of National Statistics Offices. The results will assist FAO-HQ and decentralized offices in designing targeted interventions and mobilizing resources to support countries in collecting, analyzing and using the SDG indicators in decision-making.
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