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Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change in the Gambia Newsletter GCP/GAM/033/LDF, January - June 2018, Issue #1

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    Post-Crisis Response to Food and Nutrition Insecurity in The Gambia Newsletter January - June 2018, , Issue#2
    Post-Crisis Response to Food and Nutrition Insecurity in The Gambia Newsletter
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    The publication is one of the key visibility and advocacy tools for the European Union funded project entitled "Post Crisis-Response to Food and nutrition Insecurity in The Gambia". The 29-month project is being implemented jointly by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), UNICEF and the World Food Programme (WFP) in close partnership with the Ministries of Health and Agriculture and other partners in four of the Gambia’s administrative regions where malnutrition levels are unaccepttably. It seeks to contribute to improved food and nutrition security of vulnerable households through increased household food and nutrition security and incomes of beneficiary communities. This edition of the newsletter highlights the key acivities and acheivements in the phase of the project in the fight against hunger, food insecurity, malnutrion and poverty in the beneficiary communities .
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