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DocumentClay incubator: a pro poor initiative to incubate eggs for inclusive guinea fowl farming, Mali 2014
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No results found.The materials for building the clay incubator include: clay bricks (6 - 8), wet mixed mud clay, sand, a kerosene lamp (Luciole brand), an egg tray, a thermometer, 1m of black plastic, a piece of sheet metal, a piece of wood plank or board, some nails, four pieces of pipe (small diameter) and four wooden sticks. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetFAO Regional Initiative: Family farming and inclusive food systems for sustainable rural development in Latin America and the Caribbean 2016
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No results found.Since the land reforms of the 1990s, dualistic farm structures characterize the landscape of most transition countries in Europe and Central Asia, with large numbers of small subsistence and semi commercial family farms. Poverty, social vulnerability and other difficulties could prevent rural communities from fulfilling their role as important building blocks of food security. By enhancing productivity and income levels through sustainable intensification of production, better organization, ade quate services and integration into agrifood value chains, this Regional Initiative can contribute to the global goals of eradicating rural poverty and achieving food security and sustainable growth. Activities focus on sustainable management of agricultural land and water resources; sustainable intensification of smallholders’ production; strengthening the organizations of small producers and family farms; and enhancing access to rural services – such as advisory services and micro-loans. -
DocumentPro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative: A Living from Livestock. Pro-Poor Livestock Policies: Which Poor to Target? 2004
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No results found.As the majority of the rural poor keep livestock and markets for livestock products are rapidly growing, supporting smallholder livestock production and marketing can make a significant contribution to the livelihoods of the poor and offers substantial scope for expansion to alleviate poverty. This potential is far from being realized, however, and there is much wider scope for the promotion of livestock, especially among poor rural communities, by national and international policy makers.
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