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Why export restrictions should not be a response to COVID-19: Learning lessons from experience with rice in Asia and the Pacific

FAO. 2020. Why export restrictions should not be a response to COVID-19:  Learning lessons from experience with rice in Asia and the Pacific. Bangkok.

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    The impact of COVID 19 on food and agriculture in Asia and the Pacific and FAO’s response
    Presentation to APRC35, Item 15. APRC/20/12
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    This is a presentation to the APRC35 of the challenges faced by Asia and the Pacific as a result of COVID-19, and FAO's work such as the rapid impact assessments and data collection. This presentation supports the paper APRC/20/12.
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    Addressing Food Safety Challenges of the Asia-Pacific Region 2018
    In the Asia and the Pacific region, food safety is important from the dual perspectives of improving public health and nutrition and enhancing trade in food commodities. Concerns of consumers on the fitness for consumption of food produced and traded across borders needs to be allayed through effective risk-based systems that assure safety and quality throughout the food chain. The paper discusses the key challenges being faced, some solutions, and potential partnerships (private sector, civil society, South-South triangular cooperation, development partners) that can be used to enhance food safety systems in the region. It describes FAO’s contribution to the strengthening of technical capacity to implement risk-based approaches in critical areas such as food inspection, monitoring, and surveillance; laboratory analysis; import control and strengthening the evidence base required for the framing of rules, regulations and procedures. It explains, with examples, how improved food-control measures and codes of practice can be implemented at every step of the chain, enabling smallholders to produce safer food and gain access to markets. It underscores the importance of implementing FAO’s action plan for tackling antimicrobial resistance (AMR) through technical capacity development, evidence generation, governance and dissemination of good practices. The paper dwells on FAO's One Health Regional Initiative, currently being rolled out, as an expanded multidisciplinary opportunity to demonstrate benefits to agriculture, food systems and the environment in the region. It argues that the adoption of voluntary and international food standards, especially from Codex, can lead to multiple wins for the consumer, for the private sector and the government in the form of safer and more nutritious food, increased innovation and trade and better public health. Ministers are invited to advise FAO on areas of focus in the development of national capacities in core technical areas of food safety and cohesive actions to harmonize food safety standards in the Asia-Pacific region to safeguard public health and promote trade.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    FAO COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme: Asia and the Pacific
    Trade, intra-regional trade and food safety standards
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    The COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown measures throughout Asia have had measurable impacts on trade flows, causing trade disruptions and temporary interruptions. Under COVID-19 lockdowns, cross-border trade either slowed or came to a halt due to border closures or direct import or export restrictions. International trade disruption also affected several countries, interrupting the flow of critical goods, staple foods, agricultural inputs and equipment needed for domestic food production, SDGs processing, and consumption. In the short-term, following COVID-19 lockdown, trade flows were more volatile for fresh produce, live animals, livestock products, and fresh or dry fish, all of which experienced a drop in demand and cancelled exports. This action sheet presents FAO's COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme's key priority area of "Trade, intra-regional trade and food safety standards" for Asia and the Pacific.

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