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Do Good: Save Food!


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    Book (stand-alone)
    DO GOOD: SAVE FOOD! Education material on food waste reduction for primary and secondary schools. For age group 1 (five to seven years old) 2018
    “Do Good: Save Food!” is an education package designed for that purpose. This education package is the output of a comprehensive, scientific and inclusive development process that involved the input of both public and private sector stakeholders. It responds to the growing public demand for information on the causes of and solutions to addressing food waste and seeks to engage children in the global endeavour to reduce food waste and alleviate its associated economic, environmental and social impacts.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Education material on food waste reduction for primary and secondary schools - For age group 3 (ten to thirteen years old)
    “Do Good: Save Food!” is an education package designed for that purpose. This education package is the output of a comprehensive, scientific and inclusive development process that involved the input of both public and private sector stakeholders. It responds to the growing public demand for information on the causes of and solutions to addressing food waste and seeks to engage children in the global endeavour to reduce food waste and alleviate its associated economic, environmental and social impacts.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Education material package on food waste reduction in primary and secondary schools - For age group 4 (fourteen years up)
    “Do Good: Save Food!” is an education package designed for that purpose. This education package is the output of a comprehensive, scientific and inclusive development process that involved the input of both public and private sector stakeholders. It responds to the growing public demand for information on the causes of and solutions to addressing food waste and seeks to engage children in the global endeavour to reduce food waste and alleviate its associated economic, environmental and social impacts.

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