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Assessing the role of agriculture and land use in Nationally Determined Contributions

A methodology

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    Assessing policy coverage in the nationally determined contributions
    A sectoral methodology for agriculture and land use
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    The agriculture and land use sector (crops, livestock, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture) hereafter referred to as the AFOLU (Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use) sector for ease of reference – features prominently amongst the adaptation and mitigation contributions set forth in the nationally determined contribution (NDCs) – up to 96 and 88 percent, respectively (FAO, 2016a). This paper presents a step-by-step methodology for assessing the overall coverage of mitigation and adaptation policies and measures in the NDCs, as compared against major greenhouse gas (GHG) emission “hotspots” and adaptation “hotspots” in the AFOLU sector. It also provides a gap-filling methodology for estimating economy-wide and sector-specific baseline and NDC mitigation scenarios based on regional trends. The overall objective is to support national policy makers in NDC review and revision processes so as to better align or integrate mitigation and adaptation policies to address sectoral GHG and adaptation hotspots. To date, the sector-specific methodology has been adopted by FAO to conduct a series of mitigation and adaptation policy coverage in the NDCs at the regional-level, including Eastern Africa (FAO, 2017), Europe and Central Asia (FAO, 2019), Asia (FAO, 2020b) and the Pacific (FAO, 2020c), Latin America (FAO, 2020d) and the Caribbean (FAO, 2020e).
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    A common framework for agriculture and land use in the nationally determined contributions 2020
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    This paper presents a sector-specific framework for better understanding the role of the AFOLU sector in the nationally determined contributions (NDCs) at the country and aggregate level. It is designed to facilitate the stocktaking and analysis of national climate change mitigation and adaptation priorities, barriers to implementation and support needs specific to the AFOLU sector in order to inform country programming and guide the flow of external support. It can also be used at the country-level to facilitate NDC enhancement and encourage compliance with the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) of the Paris Agreement. As such, it is directed at national policy makers sitting in ministries of environment, agriculture, finance and social planning, as well as at international and non-governmental organizations, development agencies and banks and finance institutions. To date, the framework has been adopted by FAO to conduct a series of regional-level analysis of the role of the AFOLU sector in the NDCs.
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    Book (series)
    Regional analysis of the nationally determined contributions in the Caribbean
    Gaps and opportunities in the agriculture sectors
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    This report provides a unique, sector-specific synthesis of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) in the Caribbean. It summarizes the substantial contributions already put forward by countries, opportunities for further action and the gaps, barriers and needs that will need to be addressed if the agriculture and land use sectors in the Caribbean are to raise mitigation and adaptation ambitions. The findings of this report will help member countries to reflect on their progress in advancing toward NDC priorities for agriculture and land use and associated national climate goals including related targets under the Sustainable Development Goals.

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