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Book (series)Food control system assessment tool: Dimension B – Control functions 2019The main objective of the Food control system assessment tool is to propose a harmonized, objective and consensual basis to analyse the performance of a national food control system. It is intended to be used by countries as a supporting basis for self-assessment to identify priority areas of improvement and plan sequential and coordinated activities to reach expected outcomes, and by repeating the assessment on a regular basis, countries can monitor their progresses. The Tool is based on Codex principles and Guidelines for National Food Control Systems as well as other relevant Codex guidance for food control systems, which are referenced throughout the document. Its scope is given by the dual objectives quoted in Codex guidance for these systems: protect health of consumers and ensure fair practices in the food trade. Dimension B is part of the Food control system assessment tool and focuses on the processes and the outputs of the control activities inherent to a national food control system. It reviews the control functions exercised by CAs over Food Business Operators (FBOs), be it at domestic, import or export level, to guarantee food safety and quality for national consumers along the food chain and fair trade practices. It also maps the control functions and mechanisms at the overall food supply level, necessary to identify, monitor, predict and handle food safety hazards and emerging risks and to deal with food emergencies. The main mechanisms that should be in place include data collection programmes on food products (also referred to as monitoring programmes), data collection programmes on food-borne diseases (also referred to as surveillance programmes), as well as programmes aiming at managing food safety emergencies.
Book (series)Food control system assessment tool: Dimension C – Interaction with stakeholders 2019The main objective of the Food control system assessment tool is to propose a harmonized, objective and consensual basis to analyse the performance of a national food control system. It is intended to be used by countries as a supporting basis for self-assessment to identify priority areas of improvement and plan sequential and coordinated activities to reach expected outcomes, and by repeating the assessment on a regular basis, countries can monitor their progresses. The Tool is based on Codex principles and Guidelines for National Food Control Systems as well as other relevant Codex guidance for food control systems, which are referenced throughout the document. Its scope is given by the dual objectives quoted in Codex guidance for these systems: protect health of consumers and ensure fair practices in the food trade. While the regulatory arm (policy and legal basis supported by official control functions) is usually what comes first to mind when reflecting about a national food control system, the “non-regulatory” components of that system also need to be taken into consideration. Dimension C is part of the Food control system assessment tool and identifies the interactions that must take place for the system to regularly adjust to national and international stakeholders’ evolving needs, to inspire confidence to stakeholders and to keep them well informed about their responsibilities. It focuses on the transparency of communication to consumers and on the food business operators and their integration into the food control system.
Book (series)Outil d'évaluation des systèmes de contrôle des aliments: Dimension D – Fondement scientifique, base de connaissances et amélioration continue 2020Ce volume (dimension D) effectue la revue des dispositions nécessaires pour que le système se base sur une démarche scientifique solide, incorporant les principes de l’analyse de risques, se tenant à jour en ce qui concerne les nouveaux développements scientifiques et techniques, suivant une démarche d’amélioration continue. Elle évalue comment les autorités compétentes fondent leurs décisions sur des informations scientifiques et techniques pertinentes, évalue la robustesse des processus de collecte d’information comme un principe fondateur de l’analyse de risques. Elle explore l’utilisation du cadre de l’analyse de risques pour la maîtrise des risques en matière de sécurité sanitaire des aliments. Elle évalue également la capacité des autorités compétentes à évaluer et à améliorer leur performance, en tenant compte des connaissances scientifiques et techniques les plus récentes, pour pouvoir atteindre les résultats escomptés.
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