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DocumentIntroduction of silvo-pastoral systems for cattle raising to sustainably provide fodder to animals in drought periods in Bolivia 2017
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No results found.This technology describes the introduction of silvopastoral systems in the dry flats of the Chaco eco-region of Bolivia as a good practice to increase the resilience of cattle raisers to recurrent drought. Silvopastoral systems are a combination of trees, pastures, and livestock. Trees contribute to increased pasture productivity, at the same time providing a natural shelter to animals. Livestock benefits from this good practice, especially during the prolonged drought periods when pasture is otherwise generally scarce and mortality rates increase significantly. This technology briefly introduces the concept of silvopartoral systems and presents a cost-benefit analysis of the practice compared to normal practices for raising cattle. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetZero Grazing. Uganda - Okurisiza Hamwe 2014
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No results found.WOCAT has developed a well-accepted framework for documentation, monitoring, evaluation and dissemination of SLM knowledge, covering all steps from data collection, to a database and to using the information for decision support. WOCAT tools provide a unique, widely accepted and standardised method of application. At the local level: Two comprehensive questionnaires on SLM Technologies and SLM Approaches for case study documentation have been developed and are constantly up-dated. The questionna ires on SLM technologies and SLM approaches provide the main pillar of the local/ study site documentation of WOCAT. The questionnaires have been continuously developed and improved over the last 15 years. The documented Technologies and Approaches are then entered into the WOCAT databases. FAO and WOCAT have a long standing collaboration which is also formalized in the WOCAT International framework agreement (MOU) signed in 2014. -
DocumentDrought-tolerant maize varieties in Uganda 2017
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No results found.This technology describes the cultivation of drought-tolerant maize varieties in the central cattle corridor of Uganda, a region, particularly exposed to dry spells. The benefits and constraints compared to local varieties are shown in a cost-benefit analysis.
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