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Response to Containment of Tick Resistance and Tick-Borne Diseases in Uganda - TCP/UGA/3702

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    Supporting The Veterinary and Aquaculture Sector in the Implementation of the National Action Plan for Containment of Antimicrobial Resistance - TCP/MDV/3702 2023
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    The need to address the risk of antimicrobial resistance ( to human and animal health has grown on the international political agenda in the last years In 2015 the World Health Assembly adopted an AMR global action plan advocating for a One Health approach and encouraging each country to adopt its own, targeted national strategy to deal with AMR’s negative impact on animal welfare and food security Maldives has followed through on the recommendation, developing the National Action Plan for Containment of Antimicrobial Resistance 2017 2022 The strategy was informed by the country’s geographical context and structure of its public health, livestock and aquaculture sectors In the past, the lack of commercial livestock food production limited the need for and development of veterinary health systems Recently, the Government of Maldives has pushed for greater food self sufficiency and security, putting emphasis on farm diversification into poultry and goat farming, as well as aquaculture In collaboration with FAO, the Government identified the capacity needs of the Ministry of Fisheries, Marine Resources and Agriculture MoFMRA to carry out AMR surveillance, infection prevention and control, prudent antimicrobial use, and research and innovation in the agriculture sector.
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    Support to Enhance National Capacity for the Management of Fall Armyworm (FAW) in Uganda - TCP/UGA/3605 2020
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    Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda, J.E Smith) is a pest of maize and other crops that has recently become an invasive species in West, Central and Southern Africa, with outbreaks being recorded for the first time in 2016. In Uganda, MAAIF first received reports of an unknown pest on 40 percent of maize crops in three districts in July 2016. Identified as FAW by the National Agriculture Research Organization (NARO), by August 2017 the pest had been reported in all 115 districts of Uganda. Given the importance of crop production to household food and nutrition security, the spread of the pest is a major concern in the country, where maize is the third most important food crop in terms of production, with 4 million tonnes produced by about 3.6 million farmers. Concerted efforts are required to reduce the impact of FAW on maize production in the country in order to ensure food and nutrition security and better livelihoods. The project was designed to contribute to protecting the livelihoods and food security of populations living in FAW-affected areas and to develop the capacities of the main stakeholders in the surveillance, monitoring and management of FAW.
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    Unlocking the Potential of Integrated Dairy Development in Uganda - TCP/UGA/3505 2019
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    The dairy sector plays an important role in the Ugandan economy as a source of food, income and employment to many smallholder farmers. In the middle north cattle corridor, great potential exists to expand the dairy industry because of a high availability of crop by-products, such as oilseed cakes, local pastures and legumes. Although 60 percent of households keep livestock, they face a series of challenges and risks related to production, markets and the environment, and dairy cattle productivity is generally low. Therefore this project aimed to develop a viable dairy value chain in two districts of Apacand Kole, which are in the middle north cattle corridor. The two districts are endowed with local resources for dairy development. The focus of the project was on the improvement of livestock feeds and feeding systems among small-scale dairy farmers, and training on improved reproductive technologies and best breeding practices, as well as agribusiness, milk quality and hygiene

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