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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetGLOBEFISH - Analysis and Information on World Fish Trade 2016
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No results found.The FAO GLOBEFISH project produces timely, relevant and accurate data, information, analysis and knowledge on fish trade and marketing. With the world population expected to reach 9 billion by 2050, a sustainable fisheries sector will play a key role in ensuring food security as the increased demand will challenge fish production and trade over coming decades. The brochure showcases the wide range of information the project produces and it is intended to be disseminated during trade shows and similar events, where digital communication media are not applicable. GLOBEFISH produces information on all major traded seafood commodities, including supply and demand assessments, price data, indexes, sector studies, policy records and reports analyzing relevant markets and their outlooks in the short and medium-term, statistics, databases, analyses website and publications. -
Book (series)The impact of World Trade Organization Agreements on fish trade 2002
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No results found.The document compares the fisheries trade of eight countries during the decade that covers the period from before to immediately after the implementation of the various Agreements negotiated during the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations. As the data time series available varied according to topic and source, effects of the WTO agreements could not be identified unequivocally, but various indicative trends are tentatively ascribed to the WTO agreement. -
No Thumbnail AvailableMeetingInterregional fish trade, experiences with provisions of the Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement (TBT) and informal trade barriers
<i>Meeting document COFI:FT/VIII/2002/6</i>
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