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ProjectPreliminary Analysis of Stomach Contents of Various Fish Species from the Lower Order Streams in the Sepik-Ramu Basin and Identification of Vacant and Underutilised Trophic Niches
Sepik River Fish Stock Enhancement Project: PNG/85/001. Field Document No. 8
1990Also available in:
No results found.This document provides an analysis of the stomach contents of nearly all species that were collected during the field trips in the Sepik-Ramu catchment area made from January 1988 - September 1989 (Van Zwieten 1990a) . The stomach contents analysed in this report are in general taken from fish that were sampled during the whole sampling period from all areas covered. The data presented are averages from all the specimens of a single species analysed; no attempt has been made to unravel differenc es in feeding behavior as reflected by stomach contents in different size groups of species. Variations in stomach contents of specimens of one species collected, from different rivers are yet to be analysed. Furthermore it is not possible, as yet, to say anything about seasonal changes in feeding. These aspects will be considered in separate publications. For our purpose the present level of analysis is sufficient: the identification of vacant and underutilised trophic niches in the lower order streams of the Sepik-Rarnu catchment. -
ProjectPreliminary report on population statistics and socio-economic data for the Sepik and Ramu River catchments
Sepik River Fish Stock Enhancement Project: PNG/85/001. Field Document No. 4
1989Also available in:
No results found.This document summarises the information available on the habits of fishes in floodplain regions of the Sepik and Ramu River systems, Papua New Guinea, with respect-to project PNG/85/001. -
ProjectRecommendations regarding fish species suitable for stocking tributary rivers/streams (cold waters) and responses from the Advisory Group in-line with the code of practice regarding species introductions
Sepik River Fish Stock Enhancement Project: PNG/85/001. Field Document No. 16
1991Also available in:
No results found.The purpose of this document is to archive the recommendations of the project to introduce four cyprinid fish species into the Sepik/Ramu catchment for purposes of fish stock enhancement. Coates (1990a) outlined the reasons 1 and justification for stocking the river basin. Coates (1990b and 1991) detailed proposals to stock the basin with four species (two translocated within Papua New Guinea and two new introductions) all of which were lowland, warm water species. The present four species are a ll recommended for tributary rivers at higher altitudes.
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