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Gender-Sensitive Indicators for Natural Resources Management (Factsheet)

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    This paper aims at understanding: i) how gender-sensitive and transformative instruments promote territorial development through women’s empowerment and ii) how these instruments can contribute to food security, rural development and poverty reduction. But first, it should be borne in mind that, usually, resources accorded to development programs are limited. For this reason it is crucial to analyze the affordability of such SP schemes according to country specificities and priorities. The pa per will also evaluate to which extent the gender-sensitive Transformative Social Protection framework has wide-ranging benefits for improving rural livelihoods. The Participatory and Negotiated Territorial Development (PNTD) and its updated version Improving Gender Equality in Territorial Issues (IGETI) approaches foster bottom-up participatory decision-making processes, enhances consensus building, addresses asymmetries of power and encourages social dialogue and partnerships among a wide rang e of actors within a territory towards promoting gender equality in land access and territorial development.
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    Technical Support for Institutional and Capacity Enhancement on Gender-Sensitive Fisheries Management and Conservation - TCP/CMB/3705 2022
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    Fisheries are critically important for Cambodia With about 32 percent of the country consisting of either permanent or seasonal wetlands, and 435 km of coastline along estuaries, bays and islands, fisheries make a large contribution to diet and livelihoods In terms of food security, the apparent annual per capita consumption of fish is estimated to be 52 kg and as high as 76 kg in flood plain areas, representing about 70 percent of Cambodia’s intake of animal protein Overall, around 6 million people are involved in fisheries, around 50 percent of them are women, assuming major roles in cleaning, sorting and grading fish catches, although precise analysis on gender and child labour roles and involvement is still lacking and there is a recognized need to collect more sex disaggregated and gender specific data and information At present, it is estimated that 70 percent of Cambodian women and 59 percent of men are engaged in vulnerable employment, often in the agricultural sector, including fisheries Rural women often play a double role when contributing to household livelihoods, in reproductive and productive tasks (often unpaid) through the fish value chain.
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    Introduction to gender-sensitive social protection programming to combat rural poverty: Why is it important and what does it mean? – FAO Technical Guide 1
    A Toolkit on gender-sensitive social protection programmes to combat rural poverty and hunger
    Many social protection programmes, including cash transfers, public works programmes and asset transfers, target women as main beneficiaries or recipients of benefits. Extending social protection to rural populations has great potential for fostering rural women’s economic empowerment. However, to tap into this potential, more needs to be done. There is much scope for making social protection policies and programmes more gender sensitive and for better aligning them with agricultural and rural development policies to help address gender inequalities. Recognizing this potential and capitalizing on existing evidence, FAO seeks to enhance the contribution of social protection to gender equality and women’s empowerment by providing country-level support through capacity development, knowledge generation and programme support.To move forward this agenda, FAO has developed the Technical Guidance Toolkit on Gender-sensitive Social Protection Programmes to Combat Rural Poverty and Hunger. The Toolkit is designed to support SP and gender policy-makers and practitioners in their efforts to systematically apply a gender lens to SP programmes in ways that are in line with global agreements and FAO commitments to expand inclusive SP systems for rural populations. The Toolkit focuses on the role of SP in reducing gendered social inequalities, and rural poverty and hunger.

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