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Special Report - FAO/WFP Crop and Livestock Assessment Mission to Mongolia

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    Special Report - FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission to South Sudan
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    An FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission (CFSAM) visited South Sudan from 3 to 13 December 2018 to estimate the cereal production during 2018 and assess the overall food security situation in the country. The CFSAM reviewed the findings of several Crop Assessment Missions conducted from May to December 2018 at planting and harvest time in different agro-ecological zones of the country. As during the past four years, all the missions were carried out by a Task Force Team that comprised staff from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MAFS), the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), FAO and the respective State Ministries of Agriculture. Task Force Team members have been trained during the past years to conduct rapid assessments using established CFSAM protocols and techniques, including walking transects, scoring standing crops according to the PET yield levels and livestock body conditions, perform key informant interviews and farmer case studies. Between 2016 and 2018, in the framework of the concluded FAO/AFIS Project and the ongoing FAO-EU Project “Strengthening the resilience of pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in South Sudan’s cross border areas with Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda” (OSRO/SSD/703/EU), 54 County Crop Monitoring Committees (CCMCs) have been established with the aim to improve the local capacity to collect reliable and accurate data. All assessment and training activities have been financially supported by the European Union through the FAO South Sudan office.
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    Special Report - FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission to Mozambique
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    In response to the impact of two intense tropical cyclones in central and northern provinces and substantial rainfall deficits in southern provinces, the Government of Mozambique requested an FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission (CFSAM). The Mission visited the country from 13 to 26 May 2019, with the remit to evaluate cereal production in the 2019 agricultural season , assess the overall food security situation, estimate cereal import requirements in the 2019/20 marketing year (April/March) and determine any food assistance needs.
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    Special Report - FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission to South Sudan, 28 March 2018 2018
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    An FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission (CFSAM) visited South Sudan from 4 to 14 December 2017 to estimate the cereal production during 2017 and assess the overall food security situation. The CFSAM reviewed the findings of several Crop Assessment Missions conducted at planting and harvest time in the different agro-ecological zones of the country from May to December 2017. As during 2014, 2015 and 2016, all Assessment Missions were carried out by a Task Force Team that comprised staff from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MAFS), the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and FAO. Task Force Team members have been trained during the past years to conduct rapid assessments using established protocols and techniques, such as driving and walking transects, scoring standing crops according to yield, and livestock according to body condition, perform key informant interviews and farmer case studies. In addition, supported by the FAO/AFIS Project, 39 County Crop Monitoring Committees (CCMCs) have been formed in 2016 and 2017, with a view to extending the responsibility of collecting more objective data at local level.

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