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Book (stand-alone)Study on the presence of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus and Newcastle disease virus in live bird markets in Tanta District, Gharbia Governorate, Egypt
AHBL - Promoting strategies for prevention and control of HPAI
2009Also available in:
No results found.Reports of the project GCP/INT/010/GER summarize the findings from an integrated approach to prevent and control Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in the smallholder environment of Cambodia, Egypt and Uganda by considering the components of animal health (AH), poultry breeds (B) and livelihoods (L). -
Book (stand-alone)A regional guidance on criteria for good manufacturing practices/hazard analysis and critical control point (GMP/HACCP) for Asian countries
RAP Publication 2014/21
2014Also available in:
No results found.To ensure the safety and quality of foods, it is essential to implement preventative approaches that focus on building quality and safety throughout the food chain. Good hygienic practices (GHP) and good manufacturing practices (GMP), together with hazard analysis and critical point (HACCP) systems, have been recognized globally as important for ensuring the safety and quality of food and for preventing foodborne diseases. The purpose of the preventative approach is to build safety into products by identifying hazards and either preventing them from entering the food chain, eliminating them or reducing them to acceptable levels. This document develops/adapts the Codex texts into requirements or criteria which can be included by governments in their legislation to provide a basis for compliance with GMP/HACCP based food safety management systems, either on a mandatory or voluntary basis. -
DocumentStudy of a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point System Related to the Processing of Fish and Meat Products 1998
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