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DocumentCosta Rica Case Study: Prepared for FAO as part of the State of the World’s Forests 2016 (SOFO) 2016
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No results found.Costa Rica since the '50s went through the traditional transition curve that some countries had or are experiencing. From a period in the far past in which there was no deforestation, the reduction of forest areas begun at an increasing rate, reaching a minimum cover around 21% some 30 years ago, followed by a period of increasing rate of forest recovery until finally reaching a stabilization at around 52% of the country area (FRA 2015; SIREFOR 2015). This was at least the most widely accepted t rend a few years ago, but today this is a controversial issue, since different studies sustain different minimums forest covers, from 21 % to 57%. The cause of this process was primarily the migration of population to the rural areas, followed by deforestation to clean land for cattle farming, subsistence production and then to industrial agriculture in some areas.Read the full report of the State of the World’s Forests (SOFO) 2016
Read the Brochure of the State of the World’s Forests (SOFO) 2016
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Read the other six country case studies:
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