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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetFood safety is everyone’s business in street food vending 2022This short document outlines the importance of food safety, the benefits and how food safety can be improved in street food vending. It is part of a set of leaflets produced by FAO and WHO to promote food safety, in particular around World Food Safety Day.
Book (stand-alone)Street Food Vending in Accra, Ghana
Field Survey Report 2016
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No results found.| P a g e In Africa, street food vending and consumption have proliferated in the last three and a half decades. African national and local authorities, and international organizations agree on the nutritional, economic, social and cultural importance of street food, but they are also aware of the critical safety, nutritional, management issues associated to it. FAO Regional Office for Africa, in 2016, led an extensive field survey on street food vending within the Accra Metropolitan Area (AMA), in collaboration with the School of Public Health of the University of Ghana. The survey was aimed at gathering updated and policyrelevant information about the sector (e.g. location and type of street food outlets, variety of foods sold, hygienic and safety conditions under which they are prepared, legal status of vendors, economic dimension of the sector) enabling public authorities as well as street food vendors and consumers to take informed and data-driven action towards the development of the sector. The outcomes of the survey are presented in this report. -
MeetingSafety of Street Vended Foods: A Side Event Organized by Consumers International Asia Pacific
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