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International and national regulatory strategies to counter food fraud

Roberts, M.T., Viinikainen, T., Bullon, C. 2022. International and national regulatory strategies to counter food fraud. Rome, FAO and UCLA.  

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Assuring Food Safety and Quality. Guidelines for Strengthening National Food Control Systems
    Food and Nutrition Paper 76
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    Effective national food control systems are essential to protect the health and safety of domestic consumers. They are also critical in enabling countries to assure the safety and quality of their foods entering international trade and to ensure that imported foods conform to national requirements. The new global environment for food trade places considerable obligations on both importing and exporting countries to strengthen their food control systems and to implement and enforce risk-based foo d control strategies. Consumers are taking unprecedented interest in the way food is produced, processed and marketed, and are increasingly calling for their Governments to accept greater responsibility for food safety and consumer protection. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have a strong interest in promoting national food control systems that are based upon scientific principles and guidelines, and which address all sect ors of the food chain. This is particularly important for developing countries as they seek to achieve improved food safety, quality and nutrition, but will require a high level of political and policy commitment. In many countries, effective food control is undermined by the existence of fragmented legislation, multiple jurisdictions, and weaknesses in surveillance, monitoring and enforcement. These guidelines seek to provide advice to national authorities on strategies to strengthen food contr ol systems to protect public health, prevent fraud and deception, avoid food adulteration and facilitate trade. They will enable authorities to choose the most suitable options for their food control systems in terms of legislation, infrastructure and enforcement mechanisms. The document delineates the overarching principles of food control systems, and provides examples of possible infrastructures and approaches for national systems. The target users of these Guidelines are national authorities concerned with ensuring food safety and quality in the interests of public health and consumer protection. The Guidelines will also be of assistance to a range of other stakeholders including consumer groups, industry and trade organizations, farmer groups and any other groups or associations that influence national policy in this area.
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    A practical manual for producers and exporters from Asia. Regulations, standards and certification for agricultural exports 2007
    Many producers and exporters feel that the market for certified agricultural products is very complex and that the opportunities and requirements associated with certification programmes are not always clear. In addition, producers do not always know if the requirements are compulsory or voluntary. To assist stakeholders from the private and public sectors, FAO set out to produce a publication series covering various regions in the world – this one covers Asia. The manual is aimed at producer or ganizations, trainers, extension agents and exporters. It describes the import regulations of the main export markets, and major private standards and voluntary certification programmes. The reader is provided with an easy-to-read guide on the main voluntary certification schemes, their importance, the differences between them as well as their advantages and limitations. In order to be able to export his or her products any producer or exporter must also conform with the regulations of importing countries. The manual therefore provides information concerning the main import regulations in the United States of America, the European Union, Japan and other selected countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Owing to the changing nature of regulations and the diversity of products and their characteristics, numerous Internet addresses have also been provided where up-to-date, detailed information can be found.
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    Environmental and Social Standards, Certification and Labelling for Cash Crops 2003
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    Workplace safety and environmental sustainability can be promoted by agreed standards, certification and labelling. Relevant standards for cash crops in developing countries are reviewed here, including organic agriculture, fair-trade labelling, SA8000, Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Agriculture Programme, the ETI, ISO 14001 and EurepGap. The origins of these initiatives, their scope and certification system are explored. In addition, stakeholder involvement, the standard-setting process, ver ification methods, the relation with WTO agreements and the potential role of governments are discussed. Twenty-two case studies on the impact of these standards and certification programmes on production costs and revenues for farmers in developing countries are presented, in addition to the latest data available on markets for labelled bananas, coffee, tea and citrus. Governments, private companies and NGOs facing complex decisions regarding environmental and social standards, certificatio n and labelling will find this material useful.

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