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ProjectWomen and Rural Development in the Bay Of Bengal Region: Information Sources-BOBP/INF/01 1982
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No results found.As part of its work in the planning of activities for the development of fishing families in the Bay of Bengal region, the Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP) attempted to gather information on organisation/programmes concerned with women and rural development with particular reference to women in fishing communities. This document is an outcome of that effort. It does not claim to be a complete or comprehensive listing of information sources on the subject. It is an information document and has not been cleared by the FAO or by BOBP-member governments. There are two sets of information in the document. Part A lists organisations and programmes concerned with women and development. Part B lists the publications on the subject. As asterisk against an entry denotes its availability in the BOBP library. -
ProjectFishery statistics on the microcomputer: A basic version of Hasselbad's NORMSEP Program - BOBP/MAG/3 1986
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No results found.This paper provides an outline of a mathematical method to analyse overlapping normal distributions. Separations of mixtures of normal distributions is frequently required in fisheries biological analysis, as in the case of length frequency distribution of fishes. Several methods are available for this. The method presented in this paper was originally developed by V Hasselblad and has been cast in its present form by D Pauly and N David. It was originally published as ICLARM contributio n No. 193. The new version, presented in this paper, is written in Microsoft BASIC and can be implemented on a large variety of microcomputers. The specific version presented here can run without modification on an Apple Ile microcomputer (with CP/M-80 operating system). The Program uses up to 12 K of RAM. This paper grew out of a training course on the use of computers in fishery resources management. The course was organized by the project “Marine Fishery Resources Management in the Bay of Bengal” in cooperation with member-countries Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Maldives. Dr. Daniel Pauly of ICLARM and Mr J Hertel-Wulff of BOBP worked on the version presented in this paper. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetCourse: Food security information systems and networks 2016
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No results found.This course introduces and provides guidance in assessing different kinds of information systems related to food security analysis.
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