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Minutes of the Meeting EAF-Nansen Project Regional Steering Committee for the Benguela Current Commission area, Hotel Safari/Safari Court & Conference Centre, Windhoek, Namibia, 19 October 2012

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    The first meeting of the EAF-Nansen project Regional Steering Committee for the Benguela Current Commission (BCC) area was held at the UNDP offices in Windhoek, Namibia on 29th September 2009. The meeting was attended by representatives from South Africa, Namibia, Angola and also the BCC, FAO and IMR (Institute of Marine Research, Bergen). Namibia and Angola were elected chair and vice Chair respectively. Moses Maurihungirire Director, Resource Management of the Ministry of Fisheries a nd Marine Resources of Namibia chaired the meeting; he was assisted by Kumbi Nsingui Kilongo of the National Institute of Fisheries Research of Angola. The meeting was started with an overview of the EAF-Nansen project by the Project Coordinator who also elaborated on the basic principles of the ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF). Activities and achievements under each component of the project were presented and discussed. Also presented were the project management structure, ecos ystem survey activities under the project, the mid-tern review of the EAF-Nansen project and the work plan for 2010. Special mention was made of the three projects that the EAF-Nansen project will be implementing with the BCC. On the last issue it was noted that considering the proposed budgets of the projects and the provision made by the BCC Ecosystem Advisory Committee, cost sharing or co-financing will be necessary for successful implementation of the EAF-Nansen/BCC projects. T he recommendations compiled in the course of the meeting were discussed and adopted by the members.
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    Minutes of the Meeting of the EAF-Nansen project Regional Steering Committee for the South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission area, Flic-en-Flac, Mauritius, 3 October 2012 2013
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    The third meeting of the EAF-Nansen project Regional Steering Committee for the South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission (SWIOFC RSC) area was held at the Sugar Beach Hotel in Flic-en-Flac, Mauritius on 3 October 2012. The meeting was attended by representatives from Comoros, Kenya, Madagascar, Maldives, Mauritius, Mozambique, Seychelles, and the United Republic of Tanzania. Representatives of the Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystem (ASCLME) project and the South West Indian Oc ean Fisheries Project (SWIOFP) also attended the meeting. The RSC is responsible for assessing the project progress and formulating recommendations to the project coordinating unit regarding requirements, priorities and work-plans for project implementation in the respective region. The meeting was started with an overview of the composition and mandate of the RSC. Activities undertaken under the project, especially in the preparation of fisheries management plans and some of the achievements ma de were also presented and discussed. The recommendations compiled in the course of the meeting were discussed and adopted by the RSC.
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    Minutes of the Meeting of the EAF-Nansen project Regional Steering Committee for the CECAF-North area, Tenerife, Spain, 28 November 2012 2013
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    The EAF-Nansen project Regional Steering Committee meeting for the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF)–North area was held at the Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO) in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain on 28 November 2012. The meeting was attended by representatives from Morocco, Senegal, Cape Verde, and Guinea and also from the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem (CCLME) project. Two staff members of the IEO, Spain and Dr Bradford Brown, FAO consultant for the CCLME pr oject attended as observers. The meeting was chaired by Mr Salah Bencherifi of Morocco. The meeting received updates on the activities of the project since the last RSC meeting. It discussed in detail the implementation of the CCLME Demonstration Project 1 (Sustainable transboundary management of shared small pelagic stocks in North West Africa consistent with an ecosystem approach), in particular the partnership arrangements, funding and activities. The future of the EAF-Nansen project, includi ng the Transition Phase, approval of a new research vessel and a new science programme were also discussed. The recommendations were discussed and adopted by the RSC.

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