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산림분야 국제 식물위생 표준 이행지침

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    Book (series)
    Guide to implementation of phytosanitary standards in forestry 2024
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    This guide, produced by an international group of scientists, phytosanitary authorities, forest experts and industry representatives and reviewed by more than 100 specialists from 46 countries, provides easy-to-understand information on how good forest management practices and well implemented phytosanitary standards can minimize pest spread and facilitate safe trade. Specifically, it explains how the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) and national plant protection organization (NPPO) regulations affect the import and export of forest commodities; how relevant ISPMs can be used to prevent pest introduction and spread; and how forest-sector personnel can work together with NPPOs to contribute to the development and implementation of ISPMs and national phytosanitary regulations that help reduce pest movement while restricting trade as little as possible. The guide will be of vital interest to people involved in nursery activitie s, planting, managing, harvesting, manufacturing, trading and transporting forest products. It will also benefit forest policy-makers, planners, managers and educators, particularly in developing countries. This is the second edition of the guide, originally published in 2011, including updated information.
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    Book (series)
    Udhëzues për zbatimin e standardeve fitosanitare në pylltari
    Ky udhëzues, i përgatitur nga një grup ndërkombëtar shkencëtarësh, autoritetesh fitosanitare, ekspertësh pyjor dhe përfaqësuesish të industrisë dhe i rishikuar nga më shumë se 100 specialistë nga 46 shtete, paraqet informata që kuptohen lehtë për mënyrën se si praktikat e mira për menaxhimin e pyjeve dhe standardet fitosanitare të zbatuara drejt mund të minimizojnë përhapjen e dëmtuesve dhe mund të lehtësojnë tregtimin e sigurt.
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    Book (series)
    Guide to implementation of phytosanitary standards in forestry 2011
    This guide, produced by an international group of scientists, phytosanitary authorities, forest experts and industry representatives and reviewed by more than 100 specialists from 46 countries, provides easy-to-understand information on how good forest management practices and well implemented phytosanitary standards can minimize pest spread and facilitate safe trade. Specifically, it explains how the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) and national plant protection organization (NPPO) regulations affect the import and export of forest commodities; how relevant ISPMs can be used to prevent pest introduction and spread; and how forest-sector personnel can work together with NPPOs to contribute to the development and implementation of ISPMs and national phytosanitary regulations that help reduce pest movement while restricting trade as little as possible. The guide will be of vital interest to people involved in nursery activitie s, planting, managing, harvesting, manufacturing, trading and transporting forest products. It will also benefit forest policy-makers, planners, managers and educators, particularly in developing countries.
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    Book (series)
    Guide to implementation of phytosanitary standards in forestry 2024
    Also available in:
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    This guide, produced by an international group of scientists, phytosanitary authorities, forest experts and industry representatives and reviewed by more than 100 specialists from 46 countries, provides easy-to-understand information on how good forest management practices and well implemented phytosanitary standards can minimize pest spread and facilitate safe trade. Specifically, it explains how the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) and national plant protection organization (NPPO) regulations affect the import and export of forest commodities; how relevant ISPMs can be used to prevent pest introduction and spread; and how forest-sector personnel can work together with NPPOs to contribute to the development and implementation of ISPMs and national phytosanitary regulations that help reduce pest movement while restricting trade as little as possible. The guide will be of vital interest to people involved in nursery activitie s, planting, managing, harvesting, manufacturing, trading and transporting forest products. It will also benefit forest policy-makers, planners, managers and educators, particularly in developing countries. This is the second edition of the guide, originally published in 2011, including updated information.
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    Book (series)
    Udhëzues për zbatimin e standardeve fitosanitare në pylltari
    Ky udhëzues, i përgatitur nga një grup ndërkombëtar shkencëtarësh, autoritetesh fitosanitare, ekspertësh pyjor dhe përfaqësuesish të industrisë dhe i rishikuar nga më shumë se 100 specialistë nga 46 shtete, paraqet informata që kuptohen lehtë për mënyrën se si praktikat e mira për menaxhimin e pyjeve dhe standardet fitosanitare të zbatuara drejt mund të minimizojnë përhapjen e dëmtuesve dhe mund të lehtësojnë tregtimin e sigurt.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (series)
    Guide to implementation of phytosanitary standards in forestry 2011
    This guide, produced by an international group of scientists, phytosanitary authorities, forest experts and industry representatives and reviewed by more than 100 specialists from 46 countries, provides easy-to-understand information on how good forest management practices and well implemented phytosanitary standards can minimize pest spread and facilitate safe trade. Specifically, it explains how the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) and national plant protection organization (NPPO) regulations affect the import and export of forest commodities; how relevant ISPMs can be used to prevent pest introduction and spread; and how forest-sector personnel can work together with NPPOs to contribute to the development and implementation of ISPMs and national phytosanitary regulations that help reduce pest movement while restricting trade as little as possible. The guide will be of vital interest to people involved in nursery activitie s, planting, managing, harvesting, manufacturing, trading and transporting forest products. It will also benefit forest policy-makers, planners, managers and educators, particularly in developing countries.

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