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Book (series)Field Identification Guide to the Sharks and Rays of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden 2004
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No results found.This volume presents a fully illustrated field guide for the identification of the sharks and rays most relevant to the fisheries of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. A total of 49 sharks and 45 batoids reliably reported for the region are listed and those common in the fisheries or likely to be found through fishing operations are fully treated (44 sharks and 33 batoids). Included here are the first confirmed reports for the region of Hemigaleus microstoma, Carcharhinus dussumieri, Aetomylaeus vesp ertilio, Himantura fai, Mobula japanica and an undescribed Dasyatis sp. The guide includes a fully illustrated keys to those orders and families that occur in the region. Each species account includes: at least one annotated illustration of the species highlighting its relevant identification characters; basic information on nomenclature, synonyms and possible misidentifications; FAO, common and local names; basic information on size, habitat and biology, importance to fisheries, and distributio n. Colour plates for a large number of the species are included. -
Book (series)Field identification guide to the sharks and rays of the Mediterranean and Black Sea. 2005
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No results found.This volume presents a fully illustrated field guide for the identification of the sharks and rays most relevant to the fisheries of the Mediterranean and Black Sea. An extensive literature review was carried out for the preparation of this document. A total of 49 sharks, 34 batoids and 1 chimaera are fully treated. The presence of 5 sharks and 2 batoids included in this field guide, need, however, to be confirmed. The guide includes sections on technical terms and measurements for sharks and ba toids, and fully illustrated keys to those orders and families that occur in the region. Each species account includes: at least one annotated illustration of the species highlighting its relevant identification characters; basic information on nomenclature, synonyms and possible misidentifications; FAO common names; basic information on size, habitat and biology, distribution, importance to fisheries, and conservation and exploitation status. Colour plates -
Book (stand-alone)Identification guide to the mesopelagic fishes of the central and south east Atlantic Ocean 2020
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No results found.This identification guide includes 552 species of mesopelagic fishes (i.e. those fishes residing primarily between 200-1000 m depth during daytime) that are known to occur in the central and south east Atlantic Ocean. Fully illustrated dichotomous keys to all taxa are provided. Species are treated in detail, with accounts including the scientific name, FAO common name in English (where available), other useful characters, size, a distribution map, and one or more illustrations. To facilitate even further the identification of the taxa, captions and arrows are added to help users quickly locate their key morphological features. The guide is intended for both specialists, and nonspecialists who have a working knowledge of ichthyology.
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