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Udhëzues për planifikimin, ndërtimin dhe mirëmbajtjen e rrugëve pyjore

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Guide for planning, construction and maintenance of forest roads 2017
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    The first part of the Manual introduces the main steps of forest road network planning and gives guidance on road construction under different site conditions. It demonstrates good practices to minimize the area used for building purposes, to keep the environmental impact as low as possible and to maintain forest productivity. It describes the machinery suitable for the different construction phases and compares the advantages of machine types. The second part of the Manual introduces the goals and best practices of regular forest road maintenance which is a key operation that enables multi-purpose use of forests. It gives an overview on the main causes of forest road degradation and explains the different maintenance regimes and maintenance activities.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Vodič za planiranje, izgradnju i održavanje šumskih puteva 2017
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    Duže vreme, šumski putevi i putne mreže građene su, uglavnom za podršku gazdovanju šumama i iskoričavanje. U poslednjih nekoliko godina bilo je mnogo publikacija o kompjuterizovanom planiranju gazdovanja šumama i jedina stvar koju različiti pristupi imaju je to da one ispituju mnoge alternative i razmatraju troškove izgradnje, održavanja i transporta (Bettinger 2004; Stuckelberger 2006). Neka od rešenja koriste pristup tačke, koji se tiče povezivanja odredišnih tačaka, dok neki koriste pristup o blasti, povećavanjem uslužnih oblasti kako bi se bavili potrebama gazdovanja šumama u budućnosti.
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    Book (stand-alone)
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Guide for planning, construction and maintenance of forest roads 2017
    Also available in:

    The first part of the Manual introduces the main steps of forest road network planning and gives guidance on road construction under different site conditions. It demonstrates good practices to minimize the area used for building purposes, to keep the environmental impact as low as possible and to maintain forest productivity. It describes the machinery suitable for the different construction phases and compares the advantages of machine types. The second part of the Manual introduces the goals and best practices of regular forest road maintenance which is a key operation that enables multi-purpose use of forests. It gives an overview on the main causes of forest road degradation and explains the different maintenance regimes and maintenance activities.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Vodič za planiranje, izgradnju i održavanje šumskih puteva 2017
    Also available in:

    Duže vreme, šumski putevi i putne mreže građene su, uglavnom za podršku gazdovanju šumama i iskoričavanje. U poslednjih nekoliko godina bilo je mnogo publikacija o kompjuterizovanom planiranju gazdovanja šumama i jedina stvar koju različiti pristupi imaju je to da one ispituju mnoge alternative i razmatraju troškove izgradnje, održavanja i transporta (Bettinger 2004; Stuckelberger 2006). Neka od rešenja koriste pristup tačke, koji se tiče povezivanja odredišnih tačaka, dok neki koriste pristup o blasti, povećavanjem uslužnih oblasti kako bi se bavili potrebama gazdovanja šumama u budućnosti.
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    Book (stand-alone)
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Guide for planning, construction and maintenance of forest roads 2017
    Also available in:

    The first part of the Manual introduces the main steps of forest road network planning and gives guidance on road construction under different site conditions. It demonstrates good practices to minimize the area used for building purposes, to keep the environmental impact as low as possible and to maintain forest productivity. It describes the machinery suitable for the different construction phases and compares the advantages of machine types. The second part of the Manual introduces the goals and best practices of regular forest road maintenance which is a key operation that enables multi-purpose use of forests. It gives an overview on the main causes of forest road degradation and explains the different maintenance regimes and maintenance activities.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Vodič za planiranje, izgradnju i održavanje šumskih puteva 2017
    Also available in:

    Duže vreme, šumski putevi i putne mreže građene su, uglavnom za podršku gazdovanju šumama i iskoričavanje. U poslednjih nekoliko godina bilo je mnogo publikacija o kompjuterizovanom planiranju gazdovanja šumama i jedina stvar koju različiti pristupi imaju je to da one ispituju mnoge alternative i razmatraju troškove izgradnje, održavanja i transporta (Bettinger 2004; Stuckelberger 2006). Neka od rešenja koriste pristup tačke, koji se tiče povezivanja odredišnih tačaka, dok neki koriste pristup o blasti, povećavanjem uslužnih oblasti kako bi se bavili potrebama gazdovanja šumama u budućnosti.
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    Book (stand-alone)

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