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ProjectStrengthening the Regional Preparedness, Prevention and Response Against Lumpy Skin Disease in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine - TCP/RER/3605 2020
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No results found.Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is a newly emergedtransboundary animal disease (TAD) that is spreadingthrough the Middle East, Turkey, the Balkans, theCaucasus and Eastern Europe. The introduction of theLSD virus into naïve populations causes considerableeconomic losses due to the death of cattle, the decreasein their productivity, the cost of vaccination campaignsand, most importantly, its impact upon trade. The risk ofan imminent incursion into neighbouring and, until now,unaffected countries is very high, in particular forcountries sharing borders and (formal and informal) traderoutes. This is the case for Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine. The spread of LSD has had a dramatic impact upon rurallivelihoods, which are strongly dependent upon cattle, andcan lead to significant loss of income for affected farmers.The effect at national level is also devastating, as thepresence of the disease comes with strict traderestrictions. These negative effects will increase as thedisease continues to spread, not only within affectedcountries, but also to neighbouring states. There is also ahigh potential for LSD to re-emerge in countries that haveconducted national vaccination campaigns.It was crucial to limit further incursions of the LSD virus,particularly to countries currently free from this disease,and therefore unfamiliar with it. The project’s objectivewas to reduce these risks in the following ways:(i) enhancing legal, regulatory preparedness andcoordination for LSD at national level, (ii) enhancingthe capacities of national veterinary services for LSDdetection, prevention and control, (iii) strengthening riskanalysis capacities for LSD, (iv) conducting awarenesscampaigns for veterinary services, field veterinarians,farmers and farmers’ associations and academia and(v) strengthening regional coordination.The project was ultimately effective in preventing -
ProjectStrengthening the Regional Preparedness against Lumpy Skin Disease in Central Asia - TCP/SEC/3801 2024
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No results found.Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is a vector-borne transboundary animal disease of bovines that causes severe economic losses to the cattle sector as a result of mortality, the decrease in milk production, severe damage to hides and trade restrictions. Originally restricted to Africa, around a decade ago LSD began to spread throughout the Middle East and into Türkiye, the Balkans, the Caucasus, the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan. More recently, the disease has emerged in East and South Asia, affecting some of the largest bovine producers in the world, such as China, India or Bangladesh. The risk of an imminent incursion into neighbouring and as yet unaffected countries is very high, particularly for those sharing borders and (both formal and informal) trade routes. This is the case for Central Asia, where countries such as Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan – which share borders with Kazakhstan – and Tajikistan have begun to plan vaccinations to prevent LSD incursions. In Central Asia, cattle are the most important livestock species and are key to rural areas. The spread of LSD would have a dramatic effect upon rural livelihoods, which remain highly dependent on cattle. The combined cattle population across the four countries is more than 15 million heads. Milk production, either for subsistence or income, is of particular concern. -
DocumentOn Target against Poverty. The Programme Against African Trypanosomiasis (PAAT)
1997 - 2007
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