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COFO 23 Side event -"Forests and Woodfuel in Emergency Situations"


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    COFO 23 Side event - Strengthening the knowledge on forest assessments
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    19 July 2016, 18:30-9:50 Pakistan Room, FAO HQ, RomeThis COFO23 Side-Event aims to strengthen the knowledge on national forest assessments, introducing and sharing information about new FAO’s publications and related web portals developed by FAO’s partners.
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    COFO23 Side event -Forest and Landscape Restoration regional initiatives: toward the regionalization of the Bonn Challenge 2016
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    Several regional or sub regional initiatives are currently on going on in Forest and Landscape Restoration in Latin America, Africa, Asia Pacific and the Mediterranean. These regional initiatives contribute to the achievement of the Bonn Challenge which aims to restore 150 million hectares by 2020. Those regional or sub regional initiatives/dynamics emerged recently with the support of several key partners involved in the Global Partnership on Forest and Landscape Restoration such as FAO, IUCN, WRI or the Global Mechanism of the UNCCD. They help to implement national FLR efforts at the most relevant scale to develop: (i) collaboration between countries with the same ecosystems and/or FLR issues, (ii) knowledge sharing on good practices, monitoring tools and guidelines and (iii) pooling of both human and financial resources by building relevant alliances between technical and/or financial partners. This side event will allow the members of those regional initiatives to understand the diversity of the existing ongoing dynamics in the different regions and will help all partners involved in those regional dynamics to build on existing successful results in Latin America, Africa, Asia-Pacific or the Mediterranean.
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