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MeetingILSI Southeast Asia Region Assists in Harmonizing Food Safety Standards in ASEAN
Prepared by ILSI Southeast Asia
2004Also available in:
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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetFood safety at small scale - developing a hygiene practice guide for smallholder producers in Hungary
Good practice series - Food safety
2021Also available in:
As an alternative to long globalized food chains, short food supply chains involve shorter physical distances and\or fewer actors between the producer and the consumer. In some contexts this model is now being promoted by the European Union, for the health and environmental advantages that it brings, couples with its potential benefits to small-scale producers and rural areas, especially in underdeveloped regions. Hygiene regulation is crucial for enabling small-scale producers and retailers to access markets via short food supply chains. To serve consumers and the needs of small-scale producers, the European Commission has introduced flexibility in its hygiene legislation through a Hygiene Package, which sets out exclusions, derogations and adaptations of the rules. For example, the direct supply or local retailing of primary products is exempt from European Union hygiene requirements. As part of this approach, in 2006 all Member States were asked to adapt requirements for certain traditional methods and regions.
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