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No Thumbnail AvailableDocumentLesser-known tropical wood species 1984Freezaillah B.C. Yeom of Malaysia, drawing upon his experience as a forest-resources manager in Southeast Asia, evaluates available information and weighs both positive and negative aspects of the development of lesser-known species within the wider context of resource-management efforts. From the United States, James S. Bethel, with extensive practical forestry experience at both national and international levels, evaluates, from the standpoint of the user, the facts and the conclusions that he and other well-known experts in the field of forest-resource development have drawn from them. Both articles - not least because of the contrasting views expressed - provide thought-provoking insights and information for those concerned with the formulation and implementation of action programmes for lesser-known species.
No Thumbnail AvailableBook (stand-alone)Tropical animal feeding - A manual for research workers 1995
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No results found.The aim of this manual, a rewritten and greatly extended version of the 1986 edition, is to provide practical guidance to researchers committed to promoting the better use of tropical feed resources in sustainable livestock systems. The emphasis is on appropriate technologies for small farmers in developing countries. The first part deals with the principles of non-ruminant and ruminant nutrition, the identification of feed resources and their utilization. Various practices are described f or improving the use of natural renewable resources. Essential methods that should assist the research worker in conducting useful and cost-effective research are given in detail, for design and analysis of experiments, biological and chemical analysis, animal feeding trials, on-farm research, guidelines for the evaluation of feed resources and presentation of research results. A full list of references is provided. The aim of this manual, a rewritten and greatly extended version of the 198 6 edition, is to provide practical guidance to researchers committed to promoting the better use of tropical feed resources in sustainable livestock systems. The emphasis is on appropriate technologies for small farmers in developing countries. The first part deals with the principles of non-ruminant and ruminant nutrition, the identification of feed resources and their utilization. Various practices are described for improving the use of natural renewable resources. Essential methods that should assist the research worker in conducting useful and cost-effective research are given in detail, for design and analysis of experiments, biological and chemical analysis, animal feeding trials, on-farm research, guidelines for the evaluation of feed resources and presentation of research results. A full list of references is provided. -
Book (series)Report and Proceedings of the Expert Consultation on Shared Fishery Resources of the Lesser Antilles Region. Mayaquez, Puerto Rico, 8-12 September 1986. 1987
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No results found.The final report and the background documents presented at this FAO Expert Consultation in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 8-12 September 1986, form Parts I and II of this single report. The final report forms Part I of the volume, and reviews our knowledge of distributional patterns of commercial invertebrates (conch and lobster), demersal and small and large pelagic fish stocks occurring in the Lesser Antilles subregion of the WECAF Commission area, and on the basis of existing information, places these resources in objective categories from a fisheries management perspective. The main options for management of domestic and foreign fishing are outlined. Part II contains background documents on a variety of topics, including reviews of the existing data base on invertebrates and demersal fish stocks, swordfish and oceanic pelagics. An objective classification of stocks by mode of sharing is presented, foreign fishing activity in the subarea is reviewed, and seasonality and migration s of pelagic fish discussed. An overview of options for shared stock management is also included.
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