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ProjectTechnical Assistance for Inclusive, Sustainable and Resilient Food Systems in Selected Rural and Peri-Urban Territories of Bahamas, as a Response to the COVID-19 - TCP/BHA/3801 2024
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No results found.The project aimed to tackle the challenges of low income and unemployment among youth and women, specifically within the family farming sector in Grand Bahama and Abaco Island. The sector lacked consistent access to the technology and knowledge needed to develop economic enterprises able to serve national and regional food markets, while promoting local sustainable livelihoods. The MAMR lacked the tools required to deliver adequate training in agricultural practices and agribusiness, and organizational and financial support. The MAMR also had no National Strategy or National Land Administrative Proposal to achieve the rural development goals set out in the SGD 2030. -
Book (stand-alone)Food for the Cities. Food Supply and Distribution Policies to Reduce Urban Food Insecurity.
A Briefing Guide for Mayors, City Executives and Urban Planners in Developing Countries and Countries in Transition
2000Feeding cities plus the rising total of poor urban households in developing countries and countries in transition is the challenge facing City and Local Authorities. This guide intends to brief the Mayors, City Executives and Urban Planners, including specialists in food production, market development, public health, environment, forestry and agroforestry, on the compelling need for food supply and distribution policies and programmes. These would lower the cost of accessing food by low-income h ouseholds in their cities and stimulate private investment. It reviews the role of City and Local Authorities in food supply and distribution at regional, metropolitan, urban and local level along with the key steps for the formulation, implementation and monitoring of required interventions. This guide stresses the necessity for a proper understanding of local conditions, an interdisciplinary, intersectoral and participatory approach to finding sustainable solutions, a forecast of urban food se curity and collaboration between institutions and organizations. The direct involvement of the private sector is essential for sustainable planning decisions. -
Book (stand-alone)IFPRI 2017 Global Food Policy Report 2017
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No results found.The 2017 Global Food Policy Report provides a comprehensive overview of major food policy developments and events. In this sixth annual report, leading researchers, policy makers, and practitioners review what happened in food policy, and why, in 2016 and look forward to 2017. This year’s report has a special focus on the challenges and opportunities created by rapid urbanization, especially in low- and middle-income countries, for food security and nutrition. Please note that the Global Food Policy Report is an IFPRI publication, with a contribution by FAO in the lead chapter, and which is re-published online with the permission of IFPRI.
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