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MeetingFood security as a policy goal in the complex emergencies context and links between information, analysis and programming
FAO International Workshop on “Food Security in Complex Emergencies: building policy frameworks to address longer-term programming challenges” Tivoli, 23-25 September 2003
2003Also available in:
No results found.Countries that manifest high levels of food insecurity genearlly experience in high levels of conflict, which results in complex emergencies. These countries need to adopt well-planned, short-, medium- and long-term measures to improve their food security situation. The food security policy should cover all sectors of the food chain, including increasing food availability through production and importation, improving marketing efficiency, increasing people’s purchasing power and setting up effec tive early warning and food information systems (EWFIS). An effective EWFIS should use data spanning the entire food chain (ie meteorological, remote sensing, agricultural statistics etc). EWFIS is useful not only for monitoring the food security situation to detect areas and segments of the population that are facing deterioriating food security, but also for providing relevant data (eg baseline data, vulnerability maps etc) need for longer term planning to move the affected populations from vu lnerability to sustainable development. -
MeetingThe changing face of food security in Somalia
Paper presented at the international workshop on food security and complex emergencies, September 2003, Tivoli, Italy. Organized by ESA and funded by the European Commission.
2003Also available in:
No results found.The food security sector in Somalia is perhaps more coordinated, intergrated and developmental in its approach than in any other complex emergency. This is largely due to the dominance of one actor, the European Commission, with European Development Funds operating within an established coordination structure. The Commission funds the major food security information system, emergency food relief and a variety of ‘developmental’ food security projects, and is the major actor in terms of policy se tting and coordination. Save the Children UK (SC UK) has been active in food security information, coordination and implementation for many years in Somalia. This paper will explore, through SC’s work, the following themes: the funding and operating context in Somalia; the links between information and response; differences in developmental dialogue; the importance of institutional capacity; and strategies to scale up. -
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