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Rangelands Management in the Near East and North Africa Region: Bridging the Gap between Growing Needs and Shrinking Resources

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    The aim of the practical guidelines presented in this document is to support the adoption and usability of the criteria and indicators (C&I) for Sustainable Management of Forests and Rangelands (SFRM) adopted by the 22nd Session of the Near East Forestry and Range Commission (NEFRC). The guidelines are based on the review of existing literature and on consultations with national experts and relevant institutions in Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia regarding challenges identified in the use of the prop osed C&I for SFRM. It is clear from the consultations with national experts of the three countries that each of their forest and rangelands departments use sustainability indicators in their work on policy dialogue, advocacy and capacity building related to climate change and REDD+. This document details the seven criteria and 33 indicators which together make up the C&I for SFRM in the NENA region. Parts of this guide are based on the existing set of the C&I for SFRM and on other scientific pu blications of the Forestry Department of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Further discussion with resource agencies, forest and rangelands institutions, the environmental community, academia and other key stakeholders is needed to develop and refine linkages between the proposed C&I for SFRM.
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    The State of Land and Water Resources for Food and Agriculture in the Near East and North Africa region
    Summary Report
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    The State of Land and Water Resources (SOLAW) in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region is part of a FAO flagship series launched in 2011. Being one of the most land and water scarce region in the world, the preservation of land and water resources is of critical importance to ensure food security and address the increased food demand. The publication aims at providing policy makers, institutions and other stakeholders a comprehensive overview of the current situation for land and water and the effect of climate change and urbanization on food production facilitating informed decision-making. The report provides the latest land and water resource statistics for the region and outlines important challenges that NENA is facing in the lead up to 2030 and beyond. It also presents positive initiatives from the region and a range of options available to help authorities respond to the issues of land and water resources.
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    The State of Land and Water Resources for Food and Agriculture in the Near East and North Africa region 2022
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    The State of Land and Water Resources (SOLAW) in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region is part of a FAO flagship series launched in 2011. Being one of the most land and water scarce region in the world, the preservation of land and water resources is of critical importance to ensure food security and address the increased food demand. The publication aims at providing policy makers, institutions and other stakeholders a comprehensive overview of the current situation for land and water and the effect of climate change and urbanization on food production facilitating informed decision-making. The report provides the latest land and water resource statistics for the region and outlines important challenges that NENA is facing in the lead up to 2030 and beyond. It also presents positive initiatives from the region and a range of options available to help authorities respond to the issues of land and water resources.

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