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Book (stand-alone)Preparing a National Phytosanitary Capacity Development Strategy 2017This manual provides precise instructions to prepare a National Phytosanitary Capacity Development Strategy. It provides information on the Phytosanitary capacity Evaluation tool and how to apply it.
ProjectSupport to Establishment of the Centre for Agricultural Economics and Markets (Caem) in the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry - TCP/LAO/3605 2020
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No results found.The Government of Lao People's Democratic Republichas identified an urgent need to build and strengthencapacity in areas of agricultural economics and marketsmonitoring, information, analysis and assessment. Theultimate goal is to improve decision-making by policy leveldecision-makers, farmers, and other stakeholders in theagriculture sector. In response to this need, the projectfocused on building and strengthening the capacity ofthe Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) in areasof agricultural, forestry and rural development policy –encompassing economics, markets and other types ofsituation analysis, situation monitoring, information forpolicy development, policy analysis and assessment.The project was originally designed to support theestablishment of the Centre for Agricultural Economicsand Markets (CAEM), under the Department of Planningand Finance (DOPF) in the MAF. However, based on therequirement to enhance the food security and agriculturalcommercialization policy of the Government, the primaryMAF institution was changed to the Department of Policyand Legal Affairs (DOPLA). -
ProjectStrengthening Institutional and Technical Capacity for Providing Agricultural Services in Dominica - TCP/DMI/3601 2020
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No results found.Dominica is faced by a number of challenges in achieving and sustaining its development agenda. These include the relatively small, open economic base and high exposure to the impacts of natural disasters. In the livestock and crop production sectors, laboratory and diagnostic capabilities and the availability of clean planting materials are among the factors determining the achievement of sustainability. The aim of the project was to strengthen diagnostic capabilities and laboratory capacities for plant (nursery production) and for animal pest and disease management. The project would also support the development of a framework for a quality assurance system (QAS) for the production of vigorous pest- and disease-free planting material, as well as the preparation of a procedures manual to lay the foundation for the adoption of a voluntary QAS by nursery operators. Overall, the project was expected to result in improved diagnostic capacity and the production of planting materials of a consistent quality, thus contributing to the sustainability of the agricultural sector.
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