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Commodity Market Review

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    The Commodity Market Review (CMR), a biennial publication of the FAO Trade and Markets Division, examines in depth issues relating to agricultural commodity market developments that are deemed by FAO as current and crucial for FAOs member countries. Global agricultural commodity value chains have become more complex as production and processing activities turn out to be increasingly fragmented. Moreover, concentration and the prospective of market power, as well as the emergent scope o f food standards add to this complexity. For poor developing countries, domestic market liberalization and the abolition of marketing boards, in conjunction with trends towards freer trade in a globalized environment have created opportunities for enhanced competition, efficiency and export growth. Multinational enterprises invest in developing countries and engage in outsourcing food for markets in developed countries. Although there are marked benefits to producers in developing countries, the potential of market power and the possibility that this power may result in a contraction of the primary producers share of the final product price requires careful analysis. This biennial CMR is devoted to exploring in depth a variety of issues relevant to the impact of imperfect competition and food standards on developing markets. The articles that are included focus on both cross-commodity issues, such as strategic trade, foreign direct investment and the effectivene ss of technical regulation, as well as on characteristics of individual commodity value chains, such as coffee, cocoa and frozen concentrated orange juice which are of particular interest in terms of industrial organisation. The articles included in this CMR are all written by staff and collaborators of the FAO Trade and Markets Division and have undergone both internal and external review. They are published as a contribution of FAO to the ongoing policy research in food and agric ulture value chain analysis, as well as to increase general awareness of the relevant issues and provide overall policy guidance.
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