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Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem Program 

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    Book (series)
    Valuation of marine and estuarine coastal ecosystem services in the Canary Current large marine ecosystem region / Évaluation des services écosystémiques marins côtiers et estuariens dans la région du grand écosystème marin du courant des Canaries 2020
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    Ecosystem valuation is a process that assigns a monetary value to the benefits that are provided by an ecosystem and its ecosystem services. This study carries out the economic valuation of marine and estuarine coastal ecosystem services in the Canary Current Marine Ecosystem (CCLME). The CCLME stretches along the coast of Western Africa, from Morocco to Guinea, and is characterized by high biological productivity due to the upwelling of deep, cold oceanic waters along this coast. This also supports a high abundance of fish resources (both pelagic and demersal) and overall high biodiversity. This study reviews and assesses ecosystem services provided by the marine areas, coastal mangroves and seagrass meadows. These coastal areas not only provide habitats for some commercial fish species, but also feeding grounds, nurseries, or refuges. Therefore, mangroves and seagrasses can play an important role in maintaining fish stocks. L’évaluation des écosystèmes est un processus qui attribue une valeur monétaire aux avantages offerts par un écosystème et ses services écosystémiques. Cette étude cherche à réaliser une évaluation économique des services des écosystèmes côtiers marins et estuariens dans l’écosystème marin du courant des Canaries (CCLME). Le CCLME s’étend le long des côtes de l’Afrique de l’Ouest, du Maroc à la Guinée, et se caractérise par une productivité biologique élevée due à la remontée d’eaux océaniques froides et profondes (upwelling) le long de cette côte. Cela favorise également une grande abondance de ressources halieutiques (pélagiques et démersales) et une biodiversité globale élevée. Cette étude examine et évalue les services écosystémiques fournis par les zones marines, les mangroves côtières et les herbiers marins. Ces zones côtières fournissent non seulement des habitats pour certaines espèces de poissons commerciales, mais constituent également des aires d’alimentation, de nourriceries ou des refuges. Par conséquent, les mangroves et les herbiers marins peuvent jouer un rôle important dans le maintien des stocks de poissons.
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    Policy brief
    Summary for policy: Capacity needs assessment and gap analysis to support the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries' Advance Fisher Village (Kampung Nelayan Maju) Programme in the Indonesian Seas Large Marine Ecosystem region 2023
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    This summary for policy is based on the findings of the capacity needs assessment and gap analysis conducted at the selected 13 villages within the Indonesian Seas Large Marine Ecosystem (ISLME) region for the implementation of the Advance Fishers Villages programme. The programme aims to ensure a clean, healthy and comfortable environment to improve the quality of life of the community, especially small fishers and to facilitate their day-to-day activities. Analysis of gaps and needs for capacity building is grouped into five aspects: (i) environment, (ii) human resources, (iii) facilities and infrastructure, (iv) socioeconomic, and (v) institutional.
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    Book (series)
    Results and conclusions of the project “Ecosystem approaches for fisheries management in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem” 2007
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    This report provides the final results and conclusions of the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME) project LMR/EAF/03/01 “Ecosystem approaches for fisheries management in the BCLME”. The project set out to examine the feasibility of implementing an ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF) in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem which extends from east of Port Elizabeth, South Africa, to Angola's Cabinda province in the north. The project, a cooperative effort by BCLME, the managem ent agencies of the three countries and FAO, started in January 2004 and ended in December 2006. The main objective of the project has been to investigate the feasibility of EAF management in the BCLME region through examining the existing issues, problems and needs related to EAF, and considering different management options to achieve sustainable management of the resources at an ecosystem level. The approach followed was to focus on ten of the major fisheries in the three countries. The proje ct used a structured and participatory approach, attempting to engage the range of stakeholders in the countries, in order to identify and prioritize the gaps in the existing, largely conventional, approaches to fisheries management and to describe potential management actions necessary to address those gaps. In a similarly participatory approach, preliminary estimates of the costs and benefits (positive and negative impacts) of those actions specifically related to implementation of EAF have be en made. The costs and benefits were evaluated for each of the broad objectives identified for each fishery. The detailed results, including potential management actions and their costs and benefits, are still preliminary but the issues and the broad management needs and possible actions that have been identified are highly informative. The process that has been developed provides a valuable framework for future refinement and implementation of EAF. The project also considered the applicability of a number of tools and activities that would be important for effective progress in implementation of EAF, in particular methods for improved decision-making, incentives to encourage implementation, institutional requirements and research needs.

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