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Report of the Sixth Meeting of the Advisory Committee. Colombo, Sri Lanka, December 1-5, 1981 - BOBP/REP/13

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Report of the Twenty-third Meeting of the Advisory Committee - BOBP/REP/80
    Negombo, Sri Lanka; 27-28 March, 1998
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    This document records the recommendations of the 23rd Meeting of the Advisory Committee of the Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP). The meeting was held on 27-28 March, 1998, in Negombo, Sri Lanka. The document contains a Progress Report for 1997, which includes Project Factsheets that chronologically describe the progress of activities carried out in each country under the Coastal Fisheries Management project duringthe BOBP’s Third Phase (1995,1996,1997). The document also contains a two-year R egional Workplan for 1998-1999. The BOBP’s Advisory Committee is composed of member-countries, agencies funding BOBP projects, and the FAO. The Committee usually meets once a year by rotation in member-countries
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Report of the Twenty-second Meeting of the Advisory Committee. - BOBP/REP/77
    New Delhi, India; 23-24 September, 1997
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    This document records the recommendations of the 22nd Meeting of the Advisory Committee of the Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP). The meeting was held on 23-24 September 1997, in New Delhi, India, in conjunction with the meeting of the 10th session of the Bay of Bengal Committee (the Indian Ocean Fishery Commission’s Committee for the Development and Management of Fisheries in the Bay of Bengal). The document contains an Interim Progress Report for 1997 (February - August 1997) of the BOBP, an d a regional workplan for 1997 - 1999. It also contains Project Factsheets that describe the progress of activities carried out in each country under the Coastal Fisheries Management Project during the Programme’s third phase (1995, 1996 and 1997). The Advisory Committe is composed of member-countries, agencies funding BOBP Projects, and the FAO. The Committee usually meets once a year by rotation in member-countries.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Report of the Seventeenth Meeting of the Advisory Committee - BOBP/REP/58
    Dhaka, Bangladesh; April 6-8, 1993
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    This document records the recommendations of the 17th meeting of the Advisory Committee of the Bay of Bengal Programme for Fisheries Development (BOBP), held 6-8 April 1993, in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The document contains the annual reports (or status reports) of the projects in the Programme. These reports briefly recapitulate the objectives and status of the activities, describe the work and achievements during 1992, assess the progress and indicate the work plan for 1993. The reports were pr epared at the end of 1992 and presented to the 17th meeting of the Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee is composed of member countries, agencies funding BOBP projects, and the FAO. The Committee meets once a year in member-countries on a rotational basis.

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