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ProjectEmergency Assistance in Support of Food Security Recovery of Drought-Affected Communities - TCP/MAS/3601 2020
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No results found.The Republic of the Marshall Islands has historically faced numerous challenges with regard to the accessibility of consistent water supplies. In 2015/16, an estimated 21 000 people were affected by severe drought conditions as a result of the El Niño Southern Oscillation. A State of Emergency was declared in March 2016 and support was requested from the World Bank to conduct a Post Disaster Needs Assessment to evaluate the economic effects of the drought, while the Pacific Community was asked to assess key sectors, including agriculture, water and health. The monetary value of the effects of the drought, in early 2016, was estimated at USD 4.9 million. Although this was equivalent to only 3.4 percent of the 2015 gross domestic product for the country as a whole, the consequences of the drought on agricultural production were critical, as the agriculture sector is of primary importance to self-employed communities in outer islands, where the cultivation and processing of copra, and the sale of fish, bananas, pumpkins and handicrafts are the main sources of cash income. In response to this situation, a nine-month Drought Immediate and Near Response Plan was endorsed by the Government for USD 8.9 million, of which USD 3.1 million would meet food security needs. The aim of the project was to increase resilience and contribute to restoring the food security of at least 560 drought-affected households (HHs) in the six most affected atolls (Arno, Aur, Maloelap, Mejit, Namu and Wotje) in a sustainable manner. This would be achieved by distributing drought-resistant and saline-tolerant crops, by providing training in sustainable agriculture in drought-prone areas to farmers, women and youth, and by supporting the Government in monitoring the outcome of the training and seed distribution in order to inform future sustainable response practices and future action plans. -
ProjectAssisting the Recovery of Livestock for Drought-Affected Households in Kenya - TCP/KEN/3605 2019
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No results found.On 10 February 2017, with northern and coastal areas ofKenya facing widespread drought, the Government declareda national emergency. The severity of the drought affectedapproximately three million people, greatly exceedingthe Government’s capacity for response. Livestock ownersurgently needed access to survival and supplementary feedingand water until pastures were able to fully regenerate, whilethe affected households resorted to coping strategies thatincluded skipping meals. The project aimed to provide rapidassistance to the worst-affected pastoralist andagropastoralists in three drought-affected counties – Marsabit,Kwale and Isiolo – thereby contributing to the survival andcontinued production of livestock. -
Book (stand-alone)Assessment of impacts and recovery needs of communities affected by the El Niño-induced drought in Kunene, Erongo and Omusati regions of Namibia 2016
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No results found.The assessment revealed that in Omusati at least 97 percent of the communities were reliant on crop production followed by Kunene which reported only 20 percent. Erongo region had 96 percent households reporting that they were reliant on livestock farming followed by Kunene at 72 percent. Pearl millet (mahangu) and maize were the main crops cultivated in terms of area allocated in Kunene and Omusati regions respectively during the 2015/16 season. The average crop losses for maize were 94.7 perce nt and 72.6 percent in Omusati and Kunene regions respectively. In addition to the sharp decline in production, the reduction in hectares under cultivation and limited rainfall have capped the demand for casual labor for planting and weeding – a key source of income during the agricultural season. The number of households deriving income and grain from casual labor significantly decreased during the 2015/16 agricultural season.
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