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Book (stand-alone)2008 Annual Report on - FAO activities in support of producer organizations and cooperatives for the Committee for the Promotion and Advancement of Cooperatives (COPAC) 2009
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Book (stand-alone)2013 Annual Report on FAO’s projects and activities in support of producer organizations and cooperatives 2014
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No results found.FAO’s work in 2013 helped to advance the global agenda for cooperatives and producer organizations (POs). Situated between two milestone years – the 2012 International Year of Cooperatives (IYC) and the 2014 International Year of Family Farming (IYFF) –, this has been a crucial year to build on key findings and ensure that cooperatives and POs remain high on the global development agenda. In 2012, the spotlight was placed on raising awareness about the contribution of cooperatives and other form s of collective action in achieving food security, eradicating hunger and fostering social and economic development worldwide. In 2013, global efforts were geared towards consolidating those messages. FAO continues to seize upon the opportunities from the IYC and IYFF to raise awareness about the important roles that cooperatives and POs play as key partners for the UN system and for decision-makers worldwide, especially in the context of the post-2015 development agenda. At the same time, gover nments have a crucial role to play in providing the enabling environment for these organizations to form and develop. -
Book (series)2014 Annual Report on FAO's projects and activities in support of cooperatives and producer organizations 2015
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No results found.The 2014 Annual Report on FAO's projects and activities in support of cooperatives and producer organizations (POs) provides evidence of how cooperatives and POs can be strategic partners for FAO and important agents of change, as clearly stressed in the FAO Strategic Framework 2010-2019. It is a yearly publication, now on its seventh edition. In the first place the 2014 Annual Report highlights key achievements obtained by FAO in 2014 in maintaining cooperatives and POs high on the global devel opment agenda. Main attention is paid to acknowledgments achieved at policy level on the role of collective action for food security, including within the process towards the definition of the Post-2015 Development Agenda. In the second place, the Report showcases main trends regarding FAO’s support to POs and cooperatives at global, regional and country level. Main findings from the survey carried out between January and March 2015 among FAO headquarter offices, units and decentralized offices are presented. It provides an analysis of implemented actions such as: capacity development for governmental officers as well as members of POs and cooperatives; support to the enabling environment; support to cooperatives’ and POs’ participation in policy dialogue; as well as the production of knowledge-sharing materials. A detailed review of projects and activities implemented at global, regional and country level is provided in the format of Annex for those readers who may wish to examine th em more in depth.
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