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ProjectMarine Small-Scale Fisheries Of Sri Lanka: A General Description- BOBP/INF/06 1984
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No results found.This paper attempts a brief and factual presentation of data and baseline information on the main features of the small-scale marine fisheries of Sri Lanka. It could serve as an introduction to the subject leading to deeper studies of particular aspects; as a source of general information; or, more particularly, as a background document for use in discussions on the planning and programming of development assistance. The paper has been prepared by the small-scale fisheries project of the Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP). It revises and updates a document with the same title, issued in June 1977 by the FAO/UNDP project, Development of Small-Scale Fisheries in Southwest Asia, RAS/74/031, which was prepared jointly by the Sri Lanka Ministry of Fisheries and the project. Some assistance for the present revision was provided by a national consultant, Mr. V. A. Fernando. The small-scale fisheries project of the Bay of Bengal Programme began 1979 from Madras. It covers five countries bord ering the Bay of Bengal-Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Thailand. The project’s main aims are to develop, demonstrate and promote appropriate methodologies and technologies to improve the conditions of small-scale fisherfolk and increase the supply of fish from the small-scale sector in member-countries. -
ProjectFood and Nutrition Status of Small-Scale Fisherfolk in India’s East Coast States - A Desk Review and Resource Investigation – BOBP/INF/09 1986
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No results found.This paper is an outcome of a desk review and resource investigation on the nutrition status of fisher-folk in India’s east coast states. It was conducted over a three-month period from February 1985. It documents data from existing surveys and studies, and describes nutrition programmes and institutions in these states. The desk review was sponsored by the Norway-funded project “Nutrition and fisher-folk in the Bay of Bengal region” (GCP/INT/417/NOR), which is being executed in cooperation wi th the smallscale fisheries project of the Bay of Bengal Programme. The nutrition project is in pursuance of the resolution adopted by the 1994 World Fisheries Conference, Rome, to “promote the role of fisheries in alleviating malnutrition”. The project attempts to improve the nutritional status of fisherfolk of the region and thereby play a part in improving their living conditions. The desk review/resource investigation described in this paper is a preparatory activity of the project. It may also help serve as a source of information to planners, researchers and officials concerned with nutrition activities, particularly for fisher-folk. As a follow-up to the desk review/resource investigation, nutrition surveys of fisherfolk have been conducted in Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Reports of pilot surveys in two fishing villages of each state are under preparation. A workshop to focus attention on the nutrition problems of fisherfolk and to identify specific activities was held in March 1996. -
ProjectMarine Small-Scale Fisheries of West Bengal: An Introduction – BOBP/INF/11 1990
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No results found.This document attempts a brief, factual presentation of data and baseline information on the main features of marine small-scale fisheries in West Bengal, India It could serve as an introduction to the subject leading to deeper studies, as a source of general information, or as a background document for use in discussions on planning and programming of developmental assistance. This document has been compiled by the Bay of Bengal Programme for Fisherfolk Communities from reports of consultants , staff of BOBP and from material obtained from the Directorate of Fisheries, West Bengal.
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