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Business Training Manual

A Practical Guide for Training Micro Entrepreneurs

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Doing aquaculture as a business for small and medium scale farmers. Practical training manual. Module 2: The Economic Dimension of Commercial Aquaculture 2017
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    The “Practical Training Manual on Doing Aquaculture as a Business for Small and Medium-Scale farmers” is composed by two modules: Module 1 “The Technical Dimension of Doing Aquaculture as a Business” and Module 2 “The Economic Dimension of Doing Aquaculture as a Business”. The target users are small and medium-scale fish farmers. The purpose is to enhance their knowledge and capacities in understanding and applying the basic economic and financial principles and concepts of doing aquaculture as a business in their daily activities. Module 2 first introduces the sustainability concept and its principles for aquaculture development, the definition and characteristics of both commercial aquaculture and non-commercial aquaculture and concept of planning of aquaculture as a business. It also shows small and medium-scale fish farmers how to assess the economic and financial viability of their fish farms. In details, it introduces the concepts and technicalities of cost structure, sensitivity , financial and cash flow analyses.
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    Facilitator Manual. Farmer Business School Training Program 2014
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    In an effort to strengthen farmers to change from farming for food to farming for cash, MALIS proposes to conduct a number of Farmer Business Schools (FBS). The FBS process enables farmers to learn and improve their knowledge, change their attitudes and enhance their skills through group discussion and "learning by doing", with guidance from facilitators.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Doing aquaculture as a business for small and medium scale farmers. Practical training manual. Module 2: The Economic Dimension of Commercial Aquaculture 2017
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    The “Practical Training Manual on Doing Aquaculture as a Business for Small and Medium-Scale farmers” is composed by two modules: Module 1 “The Technical Dimension of Doing Aquaculture as a Business” and Module 2 “The Economic Dimension of Doing Aquaculture as a Business”. The target users are small and medium-scale fish farmers. The purpose is to enhance their knowledge and capacities in understanding and applying the basic economic and financial principles and concepts of doing aquaculture as a business in their daily activities. Module 2 first introduces the sustainability concept and its principles for aquaculture development, the definition and characteristics of both commercial aquaculture and non-commercial aquaculture and concept of planning of aquaculture as a business. It also shows small and medium-scale fish farmers how to assess the economic and financial viability of their fish farms. In details, it introduces the concepts and technicalities of cost structure, sensitivity , financial and cash flow analyses.
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  • Thumbnail Image
    Facilitator Manual. Farmer Business School Training Program 2014
    Also available in:

    In an effort to strengthen farmers to change from farming for food to farming for cash, MALIS proposes to conduct a number of Farmer Business Schools (FBS). The FBS process enables farmers to learn and improve their knowledge, change their attitudes and enhance their skills through group discussion and "learning by doing", with guidance from facilitators.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Doing aquaculture as a business for small and medium scale farmers. Practical training manual. Module 2: The Economic Dimension of Commercial Aquaculture 2017
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    The “Practical Training Manual on Doing Aquaculture as a Business for Small and Medium-Scale farmers” is composed by two modules: Module 1 “The Technical Dimension of Doing Aquaculture as a Business” and Module 2 “The Economic Dimension of Doing Aquaculture as a Business”. The target users are small and medium-scale fish farmers. The purpose is to enhance their knowledge and capacities in understanding and applying the basic economic and financial principles and concepts of doing aquaculture as a business in their daily activities. Module 2 first introduces the sustainability concept and its principles for aquaculture development, the definition and characteristics of both commercial aquaculture and non-commercial aquaculture and concept of planning of aquaculture as a business. It also shows small and medium-scale fish farmers how to assess the economic and financial viability of their fish farms. In details, it introduces the concepts and technicalities of cost structure, sensitivity , financial and cash flow analyses.
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  • Thumbnail Image
    Facilitator Manual. Farmer Business School Training Program 2014
    Also available in:

    In an effort to strengthen farmers to change from farming for food to farming for cash, MALIS proposes to conduct a number of Farmer Business Schools (FBS). The FBS process enables farmers to learn and improve their knowledge, change their attitudes and enhance their skills through group discussion and "learning by doing", with guidance from facilitators.

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