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ProjectDeveloping a Comprehensive Livestock Master Plan (LMP) for Rwanda - TCP/RWA/3605 2020
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No results found.The Government of Rwanda is in the process of revising anumber of its agriculture-related policies in order toensure that it achieves its objectives, which focus onpoverty eradication, reduced malnutrition and economicgrowth. The livestock sector in Rwanda includes cattle,sheep, goats, pigs, rabbits and poultry, and is a source ofmany products and by-products (meat, milk, eggs, leather,etc.) that have the potential to contribute to agriculture-led growth and the socio-economic transformation of thepopulation. However, the sector is faced by challengesthat prevent it from meeting the rising demand forlivestock and livestock products to ensure food securityand contribute to economic growth. Investments in thesector that should drive growth and support socio-economic transformation have had little impact becauseof the lack of a supportive policy environment, theabsence of appropriate infrastructures and the non-availability of reliable supplies of essential services andinputs; these factors have made the sector uncompetitiveand unattractive to investors.In order to make the Rwandan livestock sector a keydriver in ensuring food security and economictransformation and considering the numerous existingguiding documents for the livestock sector (ranging froman investment plan on animal genetic resources to amaster plan for fisheries and aquaculture), FAO wasapproached by MINAGRI to provide assistance indeveloping a comprehensive livestock master plan thatwould pull together all the documents regarding thesector into a single focused plan. Such a plan would makeit possible to establish a competitive and more efficientlivestock industry capable of contributing significantly tofood security as well as to improving the wellbeing of thepopulation. -
ProjectTechnical Cooperation Project to Support Local Suppliers Capacity Development and Promotion of E-Commerce for Agricultural Value Chains in Rwanda - TCP/RWA/3706 2022
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No results found.Increasing agricultural productivity is one the main drivers of poverty reduction in Rwanda Agricultural transformation, especially through competitive value chain development, is expected to boost productivity in both formal and informal sectors With this transformation, there is great potential to increase commercialization of agriculture production, increase self employment in small on and off farm businesses, and achieve significant poverty reduction through targeted support to value chain development The Government of Rwanda, through the fourth Strategic Plan for Agricultural Transformation (PSTA 4 promotes the ‘Made in Rwanda’ campaign, in support of export markets In line with the Domestic Market Recapturing Strategy ( the Government is working to unleash the potential of sectors, in particular Agro processing, to help transform agriculture through competitive value chain development The Rwanda Development Board ( responsible for private sector investment, coordinates efforts in investment promotion The RDB is also responsible for overall private sector investments in market linkages and supports public private dialogue mechanisms and value chain platforms in collaboration with private sector federations to address key challenges in private sector development. -
Book (stand-alone)Small livestock development in Rwanda: Policy analysis of pig and poultry value chains 2023
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No results found.In 2022, FAO assessed policies and the enabling environment related to innovation in the small livestock subsector in Rwanda, with a focus on pig and poultry value chains and animal feeds. The consultancy study covered eight districts of Rwanda and included 39 key informant interviews and five focus group discussions. A national policy dialogue event in November 2022 in Kigali validated the findings. The consultative process identified and ranked the main problems and policy issues in pig, poultry and animal feeds value chains in the country: · insufficient access to affordable, suitable and nutritious animal feeds; · low market price for animal products compared to input costs; · lack of markets due to cultural perceptions about consumption of chicken, eggs and grilled pork; · financial constraints to smallholder farmer participation in pigs and poultry value chains; · limited farmer access to improved animal breeds; · limited animal health services related to animal diseases, vaccines and drugs; · poor standards of animal sheds in smallholder farms; · limited or poor market infrastructure and processing facilities for animal products; · limited farmer knowledge and skills for rearing pigs and poultry; · poor links between small livestock farmers, feed producers and animal processing facilities; and · lack of transport and logistics for live animals and animal products. Problems can be turned into opportunities: This report identifies policy interventions that the Government of Rwanda and other stakeholders jointly should undertake to address limited access to animal feeds and to facilitate innovation in pig and poultry value chains in Rwanda. The policy dialogue was held under the project “Developing capacities in agricultural innovation systems: scaling up the Tropical Agriculture Platform Framework (TAP-AIS)”, funded by the European Union.
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